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A rather curious phenomenon of sticking pointy metal objects into one's body....and then leaving them there. Until recently, a torture device inflicted by sado-masochistic females upon their daughters, but recent advances in 'equality' have brought males into the limelight of gouging holes in themselves.

Recent trends in piercing go beyond the 'normal' ear lobes, and include, but are not limited to: eyebrows, navels, nostrils, clitorii, scrota, and the little bit of skin between the eyebrows. Some piercings are done with sterilized needles, then expanded over time with a series of increasingly larger hoops, though most ear lobes are done with a simple mechanical 'gun' and a larger-than-normal 'piercing stud'.

The habit of self-impaling with small metal objects reaches back thousands of years to Chinese medicine and the jungles of Papua-New Guinea and Brazil.. At least the Chinese had _some_ pretense for their practice, calling it 'acupuncture'. The body was believed to have centers where metal pins could be inserted purposely to affect health and behavior. The Indonesian variety was more of a decorative, where males would pierce the vomer bone separating the nostrils and insert a ring shaped of warthog bone. The P'turu tribe of Brazil is active in the process of cutting open the lower lip and inserting a large ceramic disc, which is believed to hold both aesthetic and ceremonial values.

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