Discovering The Secret Of NIMH

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I had had the Internet for 4 days now, and at the time I was into Watership Down a lot. I had done a search with Lycos for WD, and amongst the sites I found was:
The Greatest In Animation.
Attracted by the words Watership Down, I went to it like a moth to a light. Actually, there was precious little on WD on it. But whilst I was looking I couldn't help noticing this stuff on The Secret Of NIMH. I had never heard of it before. Reading about it, and looking at the fanart, I had a feeling that it was just another animated animal film, the 'furry' genre. But then there was the picture. The picture of the mouce and the thing squaring off with their little pistols. Too damn cool! And what can I say, other than it fascinated me. Look at it. It is so cool. And it provided the motivation to find out more on this Secret Of NIMH thing. Something about the names aroused interest in me. I suppose it was all the referencing to these unknown characters: Jonathan, Justin etc, that were somehow linked with this cool picture (which became my wallpaper for about two weeks).

A few days later, I did a search for The Secret Of NIMH. It gave me Jeremy Hodges' page, which I couldn't visit. Now of course I know that it was being all sorted out and everything. There was also a Thorn Valley and The Secret Of NIMH Cut Off My Balls! Thorn Valley sounded like the only one that would give me something intelligent, so I clicked on it.
And was hooked.
Of course I didn't have a clue about anything that was NIMH. So all the talk about Mrs Brisby and Timothy and god knows who else fascinated me. But what stuck with me was Jonathan. You know that bit with the pictures from the film with all the dialogue and actions written alongside it. Well, it was Nicodemus' line:
"Jonathan Brisby, was killed today whilst helping with the plan."
The 1st line in the film. I figured it might have something to do with the guns (not knowing that it was only a peice of fanart). I knew nothing about it. So damn fascinating.
I kept on reading that bit, but all the stuff with Mrs Brisby and "Timmy's sick" meant nothing to me. Though the bit,
"It's not uncommon, but you can die from it."
"Oh dear god please no" was kinda intriguing.

The next Thursday, I popped into my local Moviewest and found it. The blurb did little to interest me. It gave me the impression that this was something like The Animals Of Farting Wood or something like that, but with guns and a lot cooler. So I still decided to give it a try. On the Saturday my dad kindly popped out and rented it (at 50p for 2 nights). And I watched it.
I nearly missed the first line. The JB bit was muffled, and it was only when I picked up the word 'killed' that I rewound the tape and listened again. Now, of course, it means a lot to me.
When the film finished I couldn't help liking it. I thought that it seemed to lack much of a middle. I was lots of beginning, not much middle and an end. But it had that magic touch. And I was hooked.

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