Interesting Hangover Cure.
Created | Updated Mar 26, 2002
Pinch the muscle between the thumb and forefinger on your left hand quite hard for 30 seconds every five minutes.
Madman I hear you say?
He's a witch?
It can't possibly work?
Maybe. Perhaps your right?
Perhaps I'm some drunken old fool, lying in a pool of my own urine and vomit, unable to get off the floor because I can't feel me-legs. Perhaps I'm the guy you walk past in the gutter, drinking a bottle of white lightning. Talking to a tree and then offering it outside for a scrap, making homophobic allegations about it's sexuality because it won't move and then paradoxically, and somehow ironically, getting my arse kicked by it, leaving me with the need of urgent medical attention. Perhaps I am? Perhaps.
Or perhaps I'm just a lone crusader, on a quest for truth and justice as I travel the county in a random, willie-nilly fashion,(a bit like Knight Rider but without the big hair or medallion) simply trying to (or car that talks)to make sense of this crazy world we live in.
Anyway - try the cure, there's definately something in it.