Lochangel's cyber-lab

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My hypothesis on life is simple: Change engenders Change. Unfortunately this hypothesis would seem to work with everything except coinage - more's the pity.

If Einstein is to be believed then the only constant in our lives is change - the constant state of flux we all live in emotionally is mirrored in the physical fluctuations right down to atomic level. So you are never the same person that you were ten minutes ago. Still with me? I believe that change is like energy - the more change your introduce into your life the faster and more radical the process becomes. Change is not always for the beter but it does perpetually move you forward physically and spiritually. (Get me a single ticket to LA - I could be a guru!)

So what I am going to attempt to investigate over the next year is if I make a minimum of one change a week, how different a person will I be on July 6th 2000.

Week 1: Increasing fitness level
Going (semi) blonde
Week 2: Changing my identity (highly unsuccessful)
Week 3: Eating more fruit and veg
Week 4: Attempting to get sacked by disgracing oneself at the office party.

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