Diabete's - A raw treatment

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It is a pain in the skin being an 'IDDM', 'Type 1' diabetic. That is that the very survival of your carporial body, and lets face it we are simply short term bags of water with a slight preference to calcium, depends on 'doing that injection thing'.

There are various forms of treatment being developed including an air powered injection device presumably brought into being by people with an affection for certain types of science fiction series, an inhalation device of the type developed for people who have asthma and various rumours of patches more affiliated with nicotine cold turkey and, bizarley, a slow release capsule (presumably a pill of some sort as the idea of blasting diabetics into space does not seem overly cost effective).

It is, therefore, a great relief to myself (if you hadn't guessed I myself am 'Type 1' diabetic) that a rather clever chap in Aberdeen, Scotland has come up with the rather novel idea of trying to develop a cure. He had the idea that if a raw strand of DNA were to be introduced into the pancreas then it may well 'kick start' the whole insulin production process and leave our bodies to get on with more important worries like not dying because of the common cold and busses.

As the postumous creator of our earstwhile guide would no doubt have found highly ironic, if not completely proving his point, it was indeed mice who were the first to benefit from this amazing Scotsmans intellectual jiggery pokery and, according to sources, human testing has now begun. Let us hope for a future when all human and animal kind can enjoy as many sugars in their tea as they so desire. And chocolate.

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