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Very curious creatures indeed. Usually females, these people magically aquire incredible intelligence at the moment of conception. However, as their child grows this "intelligence" is slowly leaked to their offspring in an altruistic act presumably to further the evolution of the species. The downside of all this is that the "mother" is seamingly unaware of this transition and likes to continue as if she were infalliable and all-knowing long after their offspring has gained academic status, medals, merits, Nobel prizes etc which clearly demonstrate the higher status of the progeny. Not only does she refuse to accept her growing weakness, but she will also get very moody and upset in the event of either discrediting her, frankly laughable, suggestions or by trying to enlighten her of the impeeding mental doom she faces. The advantage of all this, however, is proportional to the rate of mental loss so increases her ability to bake rather tasty cookies so it's not all bad news.

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