Beautiful Women
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
Add to this fact that a beautiful landscape cannot inspire a man in the same way as a woman, and cannot turn him into a pile of blubbering jelly....
We even go to great, and occasionally illegal, lengths to see the female form, and debate endlessly which particualar examples of the female form are the most beautiful. Personally, I list Gail Porter as one of the most incredible examples of this phenomina.
However, women tend to fixate on this fact in a reather negative way. If a woman is deemed to be extremely beautiful, then she will understandably draw the attention of the men around her, who wish merely to ejoy her existance, and often fantasise about how they'd like her to be. I can understand how this may seem demeening, however when I look at a beautiful woman, I intend is as a compliment.
At the other end of the scale are women who are not attractive, though unfortunate genitics, or in some cases a bad diet. These women often try to comphensate for this by showing themselves to be nymphomaniacs. They embarass both themselves and humanity.
Women should take great comfort in the fact that they are the most perfect things in the minds of men. One of the great artists, not Michel Angelo, but someone like him, used to say that a man's body was technically superior to a woman's. What the hell was he thinking!?