Truth... Is there really any out there?

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Fox Mulder says it's out there. But then is he really telling the truth himself. After all, he's a fake in his own right. It's just T. V. right. I've heard that you can't believe everything that you see, hear, or read. But then again, who's to say if that statement itself is true? Now I have a headache! Each of us has his/her/it's own truth that we feel we would surely die for. At least put up a good argument for. Out here in the desert southwest of the good ole U. S. of A. the truths are very few and far between, if in fact there are any at all. Alterations in the truth here next door to the non-exsistant Area-51, Dreamland, or whatever they are not calling it this week are commonplace. I could be wrong on the other hand. maybe it's all true and I'm just a figment of my own imagination. Maybe the truth is that I have no imagination. Maybe I'm too imaginative. The truth of the matter is that none of us knows what THE truth is. As humans we will continue to look for the ever elusive Truth. We will continue to bend the truth to fit our ever changing needs in this old world. Now I really have a headache! I think I'll take a break and go in search of the truth, it is out there, Fox says so!

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