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The <PULLQUOTE> tag allows you to insert textual quotes into your entries in a way that allows you to 'float' the quote around the page like a picture.

This tag does not form part of Approved GuideML.

Syntax and Usage

Optional attributes are shown in italics, and the vertical bar character | denotes a choice, so LEFT|CENTER|RIGHT means one of LEFT, CENTER or RIGHT.





This will insert a pullquote into your entry as follows:

  • If the EMBED attribute is present, then the quote is embedded into the main body text (so text flows round the quote). The position of the quote on the page is determined by the value of the EMBED attribute, and the alignment of text in the quote itself is determined by the ALIGN attribute.

  • If the EMBED attribute is not present, then the quote is not embedded into the main body text (so text stops before the quote and starts after it). The position of the quote on the page is determined by the value of the ALIGN attribute.

Known Issues


Example One

The following quote uses just the ALIGN="LEFT" attribute:

Far out in the uncharted backwaters...

As you can see, the quote is flushed left and the text stops before the quote, and starts again after it.

<P>The following quote uses just the <CODE>ALIGN="LEFT"</CODE> attribute:</P> <PULLQUOTE ALIGN="LEFT">Far out in the uncharted backwaters...</PULLQUOTE> <P>As you can see, the quote is flushed left and the text stops before the quote, and starts again after it.</P>

Example Two

The following quote uses just the ALIGN="CENTER" attribute:

Far out in the uncharted backwaters...

As you can see, the quote is centred and the text stops before the quote, and starts again after it.

<P>The following quote uses just the <CODE>ALIGN="CENTER"</CODE> attribute:</P> <PULLQUOTE ALIGN="CENTER">Far out in the uncharted backwaters...</PULLQUOTE> <P>As you can see, the quote is centred and the text stops before the quote, and starts again after it.</P>

Example Three

The following quote uses just the ALIGN="RIGHT" attribute:

Far out in the uncharted backwaters...

As you can see, the quote is flushed right and the text stops before the quote, and starts again after it.

<P>The following quote uses just the <CODE>ALIGN="RIGHT"</CODE> attribute:</P> <PULLQUOTE ALIGN="RIGHT">Far out in the uncharted backwaters...</PULLQUOTE> <P>As you can see, the quote is flushed right and the text stops before the quote, and starts again after it.</P>

Example Four

Far out in the uncharted backwaters...

This example quote uses both the EMBED="LEFT" and the ALIGN="LEFT" attribute. As you can see, the quote is flushed left and the main body text wraps around it to the right. The quote itself is left-aligned, because the ALIGN="LEFT" is used, but we could easily change the alignment of the text within the quote by using ALIGN="RIGHT" or ALIGN="CENTER".The quote would still appear in the same place on the page, as this is dictated by EMBED="LEFT".

<PULLQUOTE EMBED="LEFT" ALIGN="LEFT">Far out in the uncharted backwaters...</PULLQUOTE> <P>This example quote uses both the <CODE>EMBED="LEFT"</CODE> and the <CODE>ALIGN="LEFT"</CODE> attribute. As you can see, the quote is flushed left and the main body text wraps around it to the right. The quote itself is left-aligned, because the <CODE>ALIGN="LEFT"</CODE> is used, but we could easily change the alignment of the text within the quote by using <CODE>ALIGN="RIGHT"</CODE> or <CODE>ALIGN="CENTER"</CODE>.The quote would still appear in the same place on the page, as this is dictated by <CODE>EMBED="LEFT"</CODE>.</P>

Example Five

Far out in the uncharted backwaters...

This example quote uses both the EMBED="RIGHT" and the ALIGN="LEFT" attribute. As you can see, the quote is flushed right and the main body text wraps around it to the left. The quote itself is left-aligned, because the ALIGN="LEFT" is used, but we could easily change the alignment of the text within the quote by using ALIGN="RIGHT" or ALIGN="CENTER". The quote would still appear in the same place on the page, as this is dictated by EMBED="RIGHT".

<PULLQUOTE EMBED="RIGHT" ALIGN="LEFT">Far out in the uncharted backwaters...</PULLQUOTE> <P>This example quote uses both the <CODE>EMBED="RIGHT"</CODE> and the <CODE>ALIGN="LEFT"</CODE> attribute. As you can see, the quote is flushed right and the main body text wraps around it to the left. The quote itself is left-aligned, because the <CODE>ALIGN="LEFT"</CODE> is used, but we could easily change the alignment of the text within the quote by using <CODE>ALIGN="RIGHT"</CODE> or <CODE>ALIGN="CENTER"</CODE>. The quote would still appear in the same place on the page, as this is dictated by <CODE>EMBED="RIGHT"</CODE>.</P>

Example Six

Far out in the uncharted backwaters...

This example quote uses both the EMBED="RIGHT" and the ALIGN="RIGHT" attribute. As you can see, the quote is flushed right and the main body text wraps around it to the left. The quote itself is also right-aligned, because the ALIGN="RIGHT" is used, but we could easily change the alignment of the text within the quote by using ALIGN="LEFT" or ALIGN="CENTER". The quote would still appear in the same place on the page, as this is dictated by EMBED="RIGHT".

<PULLQUOTE EMBED="RIGHT" ALIGN="RIGHT">Far out in the uncharted backwaters...</PULLQUOTE> <P>This example quote uses both the <CODE>EMBED="RIGHT"</CODE> and the <CODE>ALIGN="RIGHT"</CODE> attribute. As you can see, the quote is flushed right and the main body text wraps around it to the left. The quote itself is also right-aligned, because the <CODE>ALIGN="RIGHT"</CODE> is used, but we could easily change the alignment of the text within the quote by using <CODE>ALIGN="LEFT"</CODE> or <CODE>ALIGN="CENTER"</CODE>. The quote would still appear in the same place on the page, as this is dictated by <CODE>EMBED="RIGHT"</CODE>.</P>

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