United States Coins

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America has always celebrated its coins.
    Today we Have
  • A Penny. A penny's only real commercial value seems to be to make change from a .99 cent purchase that you paid with a dollar. Effectively, they are worth 1 cent. They're also good for luck, for if you find a penny, pick it up, all day long you'll have good luck, as the ancient proverb goes.
  • A Nickel. A nickel is worth 5 cents and at that just about nothing. It is named for the material it is made from, nickel.
  • A Dime. A dime is something you may take the time to bend over and pick up. It is worth ten cents, which is around the price of a single stick of gum. It is much smaller than a nickel which has caused many misleadings to younger children who can't assess value, but instead size.
  • A Quarter. A quarter is the largest of the normal coins, of course there are a few dollar coins larger than the quarter that are primarily used as collector items. Quarters are worth 25 cents, hence one quarter of a dollar. You could exchange a quarter for a gumball.
CoinWorthMaterialSize RankOn FrontOn BackEdgeWeightDiameter
Penny1Copper Plated Zinc 2.5 Cu2LincolnLincoln MemorialNo Ridges2.5 grams19.05 mm
Nickel5Cupro-Nickel 25% Ni3JeffersonMonticelloNo Ridges5 grams21.21 mm
Dime10Cupro-Nickel Clad 8.33% Ni Balance Cu1RooseveltTorch SymbolRidges2.268 grams17.91 mm
Quarter25Cupro-Nickel Clad 8.33% Ni Balance Cu4WashingtonEagleRidges5.670 grams24.26 mm

US Mint State Quarter Program

In January 1999, the US Mint started a program to print coins with a representation of each state on the back of a quarter.
    Description and State, in Order of Date Released
  • Delaware- Delaware's coin was a picture of Caesar Rodney on a horse with the slogan "The First State" to the right.
  • Pennsylvania- This coin commemorates the statue "Commonwealth" with an outline of the state and a keystone, this state being the "Keystone State". Off to the right are the words "Virtue Liberty Independace".
  • New Jersey- New Jersey's coin shows the vision of George Washington and other soldiers crossing the Delaware. Below it reads "Crossroads of the Revolution".
  • Georgia- The Peach state has a peach in the center of its quarter. Around it is the outline of the state and Oak sprigs supporting a banner that reads "Wisdom, Justice, Moderation"
  • Conneticut- This quarter features a famous Oak Tree. This tree was used to hide the Conneticut Charter from the British.
  • Massachusetts- The Massachusetts quarter features a "Minuteman" soldier, so named because they were said to have to be ready on a minutes notice. Behind him is the outline of the state, and to the right it says, "The Bay State".
  • Maryland- The dome of Marylands famous building, the Maryland Statehouse is shown on this quarter. Leaf clusters form around the side and to the center it has the saying "The Old Line State"
  • South Carolina- This quarter shows important state symbols, like the Carolina Wren and the Palmetto tree. These are around the outline of the state and the nickname "The Palmetto State"
  • New Hampshire- This quarter shows an important state attraction, the rock structure nicknamed "The Old Man of the Mountain". These rocks give the silhoetted profile of an old man when viewed from the side. To the right is the state motto, "Live Free or Die".
  • Virginia- The design of this quarter highlights the oldest settlement of the state, Jamestown. It shows the three ships that brought the settlers there. To the left it says "Jamestown 1607-2007".
  • New York- This design features the Statue of Liberty in front of a physical looking map of the state. It says "Gateway to Freedom"
  • North Carolina- North Carolina's quarter shows the event in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina where Orville and Wilbur Wright accomplished the first heavier than air flight. It says "First Flight"1
  • Rhode Island- This state quarter has a design of a sailboat in a harbor with a bridge in the background. It says "The Ocean State".
  • Vermont- Vermont, famous for its maple syrup shows a man putting sap buckets on maple trees. It says "Freedom and Unity"
  • Kentucky- In the foreground of this quarter is a horse at the front of a fence with the mansion Federal Hill in the background. It says "My Old Kentucky Home".
  • Tennessee- This quarter shows the contributions that the state made to America's musical culture. It has a book of music, a viloin, a guitar and a trumpet above a banner that says "Musical Heritage"
  • Ohio- Ohio shows the outline of the state with the foreground showing an astronaut and the Wright Flyer. Many astronauts have come from Ohio, notably Neal Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, John Glenn, the first American to orbit the Earth and others. The Wright Flyer is an obvious reference to the Wright Brothers, who lived in Dayton. To the right it says "Birthplace of Avaition Pioneers".
  • Louisiana- Lousiana's quarter shows a map of the historic Lousiana purchase which led to many new states. Above it is a trumpet and below, a pelican.
  • Indiana- The design of Indiana features the historic Indianapolis 500 races. It shows a car in front of the state.
  • Mississippi- the quarter of this state shows the beautiful Magnolia, the state flower. It features two Magnolias next to each other with the inscription "The Magnolia State"
  • Illinois- Illinois shows a picture of Abraham Lincoln walking framed into the outline of the state. In the background it shows a farm and the skyline of Chicago. It says both "Land of Lincoln" and "21rst State Century"
  • Alabama- Alabama shows a famous resident, the deaf, blind Helen Keller. The quarter shows a picture of her, and her name to the right both written out and in braille. Below her is a banner that says "Spirit of Courage"

Less Common Coins

  • Half Dollar- On the front of the half dollar is John Kennedy, on the back is a heraldic eagle. This half dollar is very important, and is very large. It is the choice coin for flipping, usually for sporting events.
  • Bicentinnial Half Dollar- The front of this coin is much the same as the normal half dollar, but has the dates 1776-1976 at the bottom. On the back is the design of Independance Hall, in Philideplphia.
  • Sacagawea Golden Dollar- Sacagawea was an indigenous person who helped the expeditioners Lewis and Clark chart the land. On the front of this coin is her face, while on the back is a soaring eagle.
  • Silver Dollar
1Being an Ohioan, this researcher feels it's important to note that though the first flight did occur in N.C. the Wright Brothers made the plane here in Ohio, and lived within miles from where this researcher lives.

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