Bill Clinton

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Road to the White House

William Jefferson Clinton, born in 1946 in Hope, Arkansas would find an important career in law. He graduated Georgetown University in 1968, attended Oxford University where he had a Rhodes Scholar title and graduated from the Presigious Yale Law School in 1973. Clinton excelled musically as well as a saxaphone player, and even considered a musical career path, he was also a lawyer and professor years before he was a politician. After some work on a few presidential campaigns for Jimmy Carter and George McGovern, he was elected governor of the small southern state of Arkansas in 1978. After his two year term ended, he was defeated but won back the title in 1982. Soon he had won the Democratic nomination for president and defeated George Bush1 in 1992.


Clinton married Hillary Rodham Clinton in 1975. Five years later, Bill and Hillary would have their first and only child, Chelsea Victoria Clinton. Hillary would eventually take her role as a close advisor to propell herself into the position of Senator of New York State.

The 42nd President

Bill Clinton enjoyed much peace and prosperity during his administration. Governing most of the 1990s in which much new technology expanded and America saw a new frontier in its markets and trade. His presidency helped create some of the lowest unemployment, crime and inflation in many years. His Vice President, Al Gore rode the high approval ratings and overall sucess of the administration straight to a close presidential race in 2000.

Straight to the Juicy Stuff

Of course Clintons administration was not completely without trouble. In his second term as president, he suffered the largest scandal for years. A White House intern by the name of Monica Lewinsky had become implicated as having a sexual relationship with President Clinton while he was married. At first, she denied allegations of this, but after being proven otherwise, she testified that she had given him sexual favors and that she had fallen in love.

Clinton eventually caved in and expressed regret for misleading citizens of this affair. He basically admitted to recieving oral sex, though he fought directly saying so. He famously debated the meaning of the word is to avoid harmful quotes. The Senate impeached him, although they failed to convict him and he stayed in office for the remainder of the term.

1George Bush Sr. This particular George Bush suffered low approval ratings near the end of his presidency because of a slowing economy

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