Inside The Gates

2 Conversations

The Island's Interior

You walk inside, and are astounded at the sheer size of the island. It has the area of a small city, and small groups of people walk about, most holding books or paper of some sort. The back of the island is dominated by a large mountain. The main center is thickly forested, with small pathways winding in and out, connecting to different buildings. The building themselves are gorgeous, some with walls of stained glass, others with gold and wood accents, one particular one contained under a dome of falling water. On the top of the mountain, there is a single lighthouse, tall and round, with its beam sweeping out to sea. To the right of the mountain, on a smaller plateau, a small concrete building sits. It contains a stairway, leading down into the earth. Behind you, the gates are still open.

The Island is dedicated to learning and serenity, the final destination for many a scholar. Everything is peaceful, with many birds and other gentle creatures. The weather itself is peaceful, cool and slightly windy, and only ceases to be sunny when the warm rains come.

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