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Technoshamanism is the process of using music, ritual, dance and technology to alter consciousness. It utilizes the healing and mind-altering techniques of ancient shamanism and the holistic ideals of mind/body connection combined with modern technologies.

Terrance McKenna, a contemporary philosopher, believed that technology is becoming a substitute for these kinds of ancient rituals that were once evident in many nomadic cultures. He once said,

'Technology is the interface between what exists now and what is coming into existence'.

We have found that people who attend raves have unconsciously been doing this for years. Just now, we are beginning to realize this and put more intention into the process.

There are many ways to embrace technoshamanism. Any combination of using spoken word, music, song/chant, movement, computer generated visuals or other forms of technology to alter awareness will work. Some people choose to aid their journey with a mind altering substance (medicine), which they feel connected with. We do not frown upon this, nor do we encourage it, because the journey is each our own. Many people have taken the journey with out the aid of medicine and have had extraordinary experiences. The process is different for everyone. There is no right or wrong way.

This particular entry is targeted primarily towards those who are drawn to shamanism/technoshamanism for personal growth. Although, technoshamanism definitely has a place for those who wish to use it 'with the aim of helping others'. For example, we might view a Rave DJ as an expression of technoshamanism in action. The DJ must realize that the technology and music he uses has the power to affect people in many magnificent ways. On the other hand, one may choose to use the theories of technoshamanism for the aid of a personal healing ceremony of one, or a group of many. These concepts are meant for anyone who may resonate with them. Anyone can be a technoshaman.

Goals of Technoshamanism:

  • Create and maintain sacred space.
  • Create alternate awareness.
  • Translate music into energy and movement (dance the energy).
  • Understand the nature of attention and focus to be able.
  • Invoke friendly spirits, guides and other dimensions to guide your journey.
  • Transcend yourself by experiencing a state of ecstasy and bliss.
  • Connect and commune with other people and dance the group mind.
  • Allow yourself to feel the unity of the tribe.
  • Dissolve fear and experience the power of transcendence.
  • Find meaning, purpose and humour in your life.
  • Apply these processes and experiences to your everyday life.

  • Who am I?
  • Why am I here?
  • Where am I going?

Ancient Shamanism:

The world of the shaman is the world of the spirits, uncanny powers, psychic phenomena, initiation, altered states, dreams, death, rebirth, and healing. It is the realm of body, faith, trust, disruption, dissolution, intuition, mysticism, transcendence, psychedelic experience and cosmic consciousness. It is awareness of sensuality vs. intellect, morality and dogma.

Under the influence of a shaman, an initiate may attain direct transpersonal experience that vivifies multiple realities. A shaman penetrates deeply into the basic roots of the structuralizing process, and brings that information back to the here and now.

A Shaman's Calling:

Shamanic abilities appear when you stop doubting the reality of Spirit. The community in which one lives also plays a role in a shaman's calling. Indigenous African shamans have said that their power to heal is intimately connected to the needs and powers of the people and the environment in which they live. As a sign of honouring these powers, African shaman healers not only worship the bush around them, but gave every child who crossed their path a penny, because, they explained, the children and nature were the origins of their shamanic abilities.

Mother Nature:

Shamans treat the environment as if were filled with knowing spirits that agree and disagree with their path. Mother Nature is your ally and maybe even your greatest friend. Just listen to her. Follow her. We live in a society that tends to govern rather than follow nature. We are taught to rely on doctors, therapists, counsellors, priests and even politicians to make decisions for us. The shamanic path is based upon sensing unpredictable events in oneself and the earth. The spirit of nature grounds, inspires and teaches...if only we will listen.

The Path of Knowledge:

There are many paths to the top of the mountain. To be closer to Spirit, we must each choose the paths that are right for us. Our teachers are everywhere. They may be a good therapist, a dancer, a storyteller, a shaman, a friend, a mirror or even an idiot. It all depends on the situation.

However, the more we seek to be near Spirit, the more we began to realize that we must enter some altered state of consciousness to burst free of the conventional limitations of flesh and rationality. Many people today still feel impelled to experience drugs in order to find these altered states of consciousness; others look to martial arts or meditation; and yet, even unknowingly others turn to shamanism.

The Dream Body:

An Australian healer once said 'we dream as individuals only because we are all dreaming together'. The dream body is the shaman's body. Living your dream body means listening to your body's sensations. You must embrace situations of happiness, joy and ecstasy or even aches, pain and dizziness. This is the way your dream body is communicating with you - by telling you what you need, what is good and not good for you. Listen closely, for your dream body will not steer you wrong.

Personal Transformation:

Personal growth and transformation go by many names and there are many diverse ways to go about it. They are not saying you have to live the life of a shaman, but it certainly cannot hurt to embrace some of the ideas of technoshamanism. Take that which resonates well with you and carefully leave behind the rest. Be sure to keep an open mind and an open heart, surely the Universe will guide your way. But always remember this,

'Your body is not just a temple, it's a nightclub!' Shpongle

Answers to some questions:

How long has Technoshamanism been going on, as opposed to ancient shamanism?

Ancient shamanism has been around since the tribe called man. Technoshamanism on the other hand, has unknowingly been around for about 20 to 30 years. The rave culture has giving birth to many technoshamans. The published concept has only recently come into fruition.

How many people are followers?

The numbers are almost impossible to speculate, because many people who fit into the description of a technoshaman do not even realise the possibility, let alone be willing to admit it. Although, there are likely to be thousands of technoshamans scattered throughout the US, Europe and Asia there are ten times as many unconscious followers and only several hundred conscious followers.

Do you have meetings or is it a journal that you follow alone?

There are no regular meetings, although the thought of a possible scheduled online chat has been posed and there have been held several workshops in the state of New Mexico from which there has been a lot of positive response. The workshop is a guided tour of the chakras, using spoken word, music, song/chant, movement and computer generated visuals.

Are there any critics of the movement?

There are critics for every movement, though, because the concept is still so new to this world, there does not appeare to be any published criticism on this particular subject. There are people out there who would argue that the well known energy centres found in the body known as chakras do not even exist. But for those who have felt them, they know they do exist.

What's the process for technoshamanism?

To answer this question, it may be easiest to first re-read through the goals of technoshamanism. The guided workshops is our way of helping people to consciously take the steps toward reaching the 'goals of technoshamanism'. The workshop is a guided tour of the chakras, using spoken word, music, song/chant, movement and computer generated visuals. As mentioned earlier, some people choose to aid their journey with a mind altering substance (medicine), which they feel connected with. Use of mind altering substances is not frowned upon, nor is it encouraged, because the journey is very personal. Many people have taken the journey with out the aid of medicine and have had extraordinary experiences. The process is different for everyone. There is no right or wrong way.

Further Studies:

If the concepts of technoshamanism and ancient shamanism intrigue you, take it upon yourself to do some more research on the internet, or read a couple of our favourites:

  • 'The Urban Shaman' written by Serge Kahili King
  • 'The Shaman's Body' written by Arnold Mindell
  • Learn more about raves
    Learn more about chakras
    Learn more about shamanism


    In addition to our own thoughts, several excerpts and ideas from these two books inspired some of the above information that we have compiled. Though, because we've compiled much written information over a long period of time, it's hard to remember which words might be exact quotes from the books and which words are our own. These concepts are still very new and are forever growing and changing.

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