A Modest Proposal for ending Global Warming

1 Conversation

The problem of global warming is becoming noticeable by the average citizen. Global warmingOnce the domain of weather researchers, it is now accepted by most people that the planet is warming up (except a certain US President that we won't name due to Eschlon's NSA supercomputer daily sorting routine). I propose a modest solution to stop global warming. Of course it involves space. Space it where the problem occurs. Due to the greenhouse effect, the earth traps more heat due to greenhouse gases being released by industrial activity.

The Solution

The solution is to change the planet’s albedo. The albedo of a planet is the scientific term for the amount of sunlight reflected back into space. Venus is very bright, because it is:

1. Close to us

2. covered in clouds

Venus has the highest albedo in the solar system. Another high albedo planet is Saturn. Can you guess why Saturn has a high albedo? Yes, it has a ring of rocks and ice circling it! I propose that we raise Earth’s albedo too, by constructing a ring of ice around the earth.

The Plan

First, we find a suitable orbit for the ice, remember we do not want to impede future space travel or cause a hazard. Second, we don’t use rockets to loft up the water, too expensive and contributes to the greenhouse effect. We use the beanstalk. A beanstalk is another name for a space elevator. A carbon fiber nano-tube is extruded from a mid point to connect an anchor in space (a big rock) and the earth. As the cable grows eventually an elevator is added (solar powered) to move cargo and people to LEO (Low earth orbit). There is an excellent article here in the guide already about space elevators.A805466

Fine Tuning

If we push the albedo too far or eventually find ways to clean the atmosphere (more nano-technology or terra forming) then we can use the ice for expansion to O’Neil Habitats, or L5 colonies.

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