The Fantastic Four - Comic Book Heroes

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The Fantastic Four are particularly significant to Marvel Comic history for they helped relaunch the business during the early 1960s. Over time the Fantastic Four has appeared in various formats including comic book, low budget film and major motion picture.


A group of Astronauts are exposed to cosmic radiation exposure during an interstellar trip and gain super powers. Which are used to fight off the evil enemy, Doctor Victor Von Doom


The characters in the Fantastic Four may have influenced the characters found in the incredibles. For they carry similar traits.

Mister Fantastic (Reed Richards)

The leader of the group the Fantastic Four is none other than Mister Fantastic (Reed Richards), who having come into contact with cosmic radiation has obtained the super power of being able to stretch his body. Mister Fantastic is a talented scientist however when the interstellar trip goes wrong he blames himself for what has happened and is guilt ridden. But from this bad accident comes something good for him the ability to lead the Fantastic Four and save the humanity, the earth and the universe from a number of threats such as the evil Doctor Victor Von Doom.

The Invisible Woman (Susan Richards)

Following closely in second command is Mister Fantastic’s (Reed Richards) wife The Invisible Woman (Susan Richards), who has also been in contact with cosmic radiation causing her to become invisible and create invisible force fields. Prior to becoming part of the Fantastic Four she was an aspiring actress, but due to the accident she has had to change careers and is now even closer to her husband Mister Fantastic and children Franklin and Valeria Richards.

The Human Torch (Johnny Storm)

The Human Torch (Johnny Storm), Sue's brother, who having been involved in a trip in a spaceship as a child has obtained the ability to fly and surround himself with flames. Johnny it appears is less intelligent than Mister Fantastic and spends his life time surrounding himself with fast cars and women (like Doris Evans) when he isn’t trying to help fight off evil.

The Thing (Ben Grimm)

With things looking like it could be turning into a family affair it is time to introduce The Thing (Ben Grimm), who is very unhappy about being turned into a monster that is as hard as a rock. Although he may now look big and fearsome and have great strength, underneath the visage is a person with a heart of gold who is upset about his new found appearance. The Thing was formerly a fighter pilot and he got to know Mr Fantastic at University where they shared a room. The Thing hopes for a cure one day to return back to normal but for now he is as committed as his fellow friends to fight off the evil Doctor Victor Von Doom.

Doctor Victor Von Doom

Where there are hero's more often than not a villain is found. In The Fantastic Four the villain is none other than Doctor Victor Von Doom who is a fellow scientist and old school classmate of Reed Richards.



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