The Fourth Douglas Adams Memorial Lecture
Created | Updated Feb 23, 2006
'Is the Human an Endangered Species?' by Professor Robert Winston
Thursday 23 March, 2006, the Royal Geographic Society, London SW7
Save the Rhino International and the Environmental Investigation Agency are co-hosting the Fourth Douglas Adams Memorial Lecture with a talk by Professor Robert Winston, on 23 March at the Royal Geographical Society in London. In this talk, he will combine some of the apparently threatening aspects of technology and the trust, or lack of it, in science.
Lord Winston is one of the country's best-known scientists. As Professor of Fertility Studies at Imperial College, University of London, and Director of NHS Research and Development and Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist at Hammersmith Hospital, he has made advances in fertility medicine and been a leading voice in the debate on genetic engineering. His television series, including Your Life in Their Hands, Making Babies, The Human Body and The Human Mind and have made him a household name across Britain. He became a life peer in 1995.
The lecture is in aid of Save the Rhino International and the Environmental Investigation Agency, two charities supported by Douglas Adams. Douglas developed his deep-seated interest in wildlife conservation during a 1985 visit to Madagascar, which eventually resulted in a book (Last Chance to See) about the plight of species facing extinction. Douglas Adams died unexpectedly in 2001 at the age of 49. These Memorial Lectures continue to explore the themes in which Douglas was so interested.
The lecture will take place at 7.30pm on Thursday 23 March, 2006 at the Royal Geographic Society, 1 Kensington Gore, London SW7. Tickets @ £10, with a pay bar before and after the Lecture, are available from
The Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) is an international campaigning organisation committed to investigating and exposing environmental crime. Since 1984, EIA has used pioneering investigative techniques all over the world to expose the impact of environmental crime and to seek lasting solutions. Save the Rhino International works to conserve genetically viable populations of critically endangered rhinoceros species in the wild, through fundraising for and making grants to rhino- and community-based conservation projects in Africa and Asia.
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