
2 Conversations

A sugary, carmel-colored beverage that most often appears in a canned form, Pepsi-Cola is the beverage of choice for several important humans, such as Stevie Wonder, Jeff Gordon, myself, and many other well-caffinated people. It has a sweet, mild taste that would be positivly disgusting if it didn't include carbonated water. For those of you who doubt this, open a can and leave it on the counter in the sun for the weekend, take a drink of the resulting thick gooey syrup that remains Monday morning and tell me what you think.

More than for its taste, though, Pepsi is consumed for its large quantities of the substance caffeine, which many people cannot function normally without. Caffeine functions as a stimulant, generally making the consumer talk faster and twitch at random. This is considered as 'cool' by many adolecents and teens, which results in the massive sales of Pepsi products and the false assumption by the Pepsi marketing division that people actually enjoy the beverage, causing them to mass-produce even more Pepsi-related caffinated beverages, making them more available to aforementioned adolecents, and continuing the vicious cycle for God only knows how long.

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