Bugfinder Reference Materials

1 Conversation

Information that might help in the search for bugs.


A lot of bugs come from the manipulation of URLs. Here is a set of URLs used in the site.

A = Article

A-numbers are the normal pages (also P-numbers). Some may be Edited Guide entries or Help pages with NamedEntries redirected to them. The number specified is 1 digit longer than the actual number of the page because it ends in a check digit. This is set so that the sum of all digits modulo 10 is 9, eg:
A999994 = 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 4 = 49

Test999994 displays the contents of A999994


AddThread posts a new message or a reply.

AddThread?forum=42start a new thread on F42
AddThread?forum=42&article=#start a new thread on F42 with irrelevant A# specified
AddThread?inreplyto=42reply to existing post p42
AddThread?userforumid=42start a new private thread for U42

B = Blob

B-numbers are picture blobs. Most are GIF or JPG images but there are a few special audio-video ones. They mostly come in two types: blue (for classic goo background) and white (for pale skin backgrounds). For example: B361736white is the front page lizard animated GIF.

C = Category

C-numbers are classification categories for articles, eg C42.

F = Forum

F-numbers are conversation forums. They are associated with article pages, including the personal space ones normally seen as a message centre. Subscribing to the page causes new threads started there to appear in one's conversation list. They are also associated with user IDs where they are normally seen as a journal. Add to friends causes new journal entries to appear in one's conversation list.

F?thread=42view thread T42
F0?thread=42view thread T42 with irrelevant F0 specified
F?thread=42&skip=40&show=20view a specific block of posts
F?thread=0&post=42#p42show the thread page at a specific post number
F?thread=0&skip=40#pi42show the thread page at a specific post index

FSB = Forum SuBscribe

This is used to subscribe and unsubscribe from forums (ie conversation lists attached to articles) and threads (individual conversations). Subscribing to a forum means automatic subscription to any new threads started there but not to old ones.

FSB42?cmd=subscribeforumsubscribe to F42
FSB42?cmd=unsubscribeforumunsubscribe from F42
FSB42?thread=00&cmd=subscribethreadsubscribe to thread T00 on F42
FSB42?thread=00&cmd=unsubscribethreadunsubscribe from thread T00 on F42

G = club!

G-numbers are ican/actionnetwork clubs or groups, eg G42.


This is a page giving site statistics for articles, researchers and postings.

infothe basic page (used to have some of everything)
info?cmd=convjust the latest conversations
info?cmd=artjust the latest articles
info?cmd=taetotal approved entries (count)
info?cmd=$&skip=40&show=20view a specific block of type $

MA = More Article pages

MA is followed by the U-number (without the U) to see the article pages created by that user.

MA42default page of EG entries for U42 with links to the others
MA42?type=1show edited guide entries of U42
MA42?type=2show normal pages including PS of U42
MA42?type=3show deleted ones only to logged-in U42

MJ = More Journal

A journal is a forum attached to a U-number rather than an A-number article. Only that user can start threads in the forum (eg using PostJournal). The MJ command views any forum by showing the first post in each thread.

MJ?journal=42view start of latest forum F42 threads
MJ0?journal=42view threads with irrelevant U0 specified
MJ?journal=42&skip=40&show=20view a specific block of entries

MP = More Posts

MP is followed by the U-number (without the U) to see the conversation threads to which that user is subscribed. Note that one may be subscribed without having posted to a thread and one may unsubscribe after having posted. Thus the last posted information at the top of a user page is not accurate as it relies on just the most recently updated of the subscribed threads.

MP42view subscribed threads of U42
MP42&skip=40&show=20view a specific block of threads

P = Page / Post

P-numbers are page numbers (equivalent to A-numbers) or post numbers. As posts, P-numbers are used in conjunction with other URLs rather than on their own. See F and T.

RF = Review Forum

RF-numbers are review forum pages, eg RF1 is just the same as PeerReview. Extra ? and & parameters are:

skip=#skip # threads
show=#show # threads
order=$dateentered = by first post

lastposted = by last post

authorid = by U-number

authorname = by nickname

entry = by A-number

subject = by title name
entry=0omit page contents
dir=#0 = show newest time/number or A-Z

1 = show oldest time/number or Z-A


A very simple page which just confirms that the server software is operational.

T = Thread

T-numbers are conversation threads.

T42view thread 42
T42&skip=40&show=20view a specific block of posts
T42&post=00#p00show the right thread page at a specific post number

TSP = Thread Search Phrase

TSPs are used on the england dna sub-site, eg TSP?phrase=dna.

U = User

U-numbers are user pages. Despite being issued with a Researcher number as the default nickname, the use of U instead of R rather gives away the true meaning of the ID.

TestUserPage42 displays the contents of U42

UserEdit / Edit

UserEdit starts an edit process but page updates are POSTed to Edit. In the following options, # represents an A-number:

UserEditstart a new page
UserEdit?Masthead=1start/edit one's personal space
UserEdit?cmd=reformat&newformat=1start edit in GuideML mode
UserEdit#edit an existing A# page
UserEdit#?cmd=deletedelete/hide A#
UserEdit#?cmd=undeleteundelete/unhide A#


Watch acts on the friends list(s) of a U-number.

Watch42display friends of U42
Watch42?full=1display journal entries of friends of U42
Watch42?add=1&adduser=00add U00 as friend only for logged-in U42
Watch42?delete=yes&duser=00delete U00 as friend only for logged-in U42

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