Church of The Transient Fridge
Created | Updated Jun 16, 2003
Welcome to the church of The Transient Fridge
This is a place of worship for the Transient Fridge. The Fridge is one of the great mysteries of the universe and has existed for longer than humans can comprehend. It makes a hollow mockery of all of the average fridges on Earth.
It is transient though, because The Fridge is an enigma with its own sense of purpose and appears at any time, majestically fading in and then, at its chosen time, disappearing back into the universe. The Fridge is not empty and without meaning though. It carries a variety of food and drink, forever fresh behind its door, and may help people in their time of need.
A tour around the church of The Fridge
Large, white doors, designed to seal to prevent heat from entering the building form the entranceway. Inside, seats are arranged, in stark kitchen-white, and the hum of large air-conditioning units fills the giant hall. The cool in the building is emphasised by the priest, standing in the raised egg-box like structure from where he speaks to whatever congregation, who is wrapped up in thick coats. Food lies in trays at the front of the seating, in preparation for the times at which The Transient Fridge might arrive here.
Out back, a pile of combination fridge-freezers lie burning in a testament to the unholy union they preach, and large power lines can be seen stretching to join the line of pylons in the distance, and a wash of hot air extends from the vents of the giant air-con units.
Beliefs of followers of The Fridge
The beliefs of followers of The Transient Fridge (also known as Fridgites (not frigidities!) vary (or hopefully will) but conform to the following:
The Fridge is benevolent, it may help people in their times of need.
The Fridge is expectant, when it appears to those not in need, it is expects to be stocked with items.
The Fridge is silent, for its divine intentions are clear to all who gaze upon it.
The Fridge is a testament to the mystery and infinite possibilities in the universe.
The Fridge is completely environmentally friendly, unlike its lesser brethren (and even its church) on Earth.
Purpose of the Fridgite (again, not frigidite) clergy
The priests of The Transient fridge exist to promote belief and worship of the fridge, to interpret its intentions when it appears to those so blinded by scepticism or shock after its appearance, and to notice and announce that The Fridge has arrived somewhere.
It is possible for any believer to become a Fridgite priest, after passing suitable tests that are given to them, some at random, and once at a sacred space.
Current Members of The Transient Fridge’s Clergy
Lord Grand High Priest CMaster
that’s about it for now :D. Apply below if you’re interested in a position.