The United states is located on the North American land mass above Mexico and to the south of Canada. It is made up of 50 sectors (called "states"), and is the most diverse place in the Galaxy. To get along in it you need three things: 1) Money, 2) A Car, 3) A Digital Watch. The money can be used in exchange for goods and services (e.g. Drinks and a hotel room). The Car is used to get from place to place, without having to be so unfasionable as to walk. That will help you blend in if you are a foreigner. The digital watch is used to keep track of the time you spend in one place, and at what time you should return to your hotel room. Everything else you might think you need will fall into your lap if you have these three things.
A working understandment as to how the government works and what sort of laws are in place is not needed. All you need to do is the exact opposite as the movie actors there, and you should do fine.
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