The h2g2 Post 14.10.24

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 14th October 2024

This week's title is Glimpses. Clockwise from upper left: Squirrel eating corn on the cob in a tree, a peacock butterfly on asters, a European rob on a table, a heron in reeds wrestling with an eel, a green crab on the shore, a blazing red sunset, a mysterious plant on the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro, a gatehouse in Norwich, and a view of Galactic Centre in the night sky over Kilimanjaro.

People: It's October, spooky season. Also autumn, which in North America means intermittent periods of high anxiety as those buzzsaw-shaped storms threaten to blow all our houses down. Worldwide, our Researchers have been a-roaming and visited some of the most exotic locales you've ever seen. Nothing says 'far-flung' quite like Mount Kilimanjaro, does it? Yep, Angel LiaDan has been there and got the receipts. Willem: we're counting on you to identify those trees.

Speaking of Africa, and flora, and Willem: our roving botanist was out and about recently, and we have more photos of yet another place so exotic none of us have even heard of it before, but it sounds wonderful and has an Afrikans name and we're glad it exists. See pics.

FWR might be slightly less glad about the exotic tour he has for us this week. But then, if the bus hadn't had that hole in the floor, would the experience have had quite the frisson it did? (I feel you, FWR: as a veteran of Balkan and Greek buses I can say, been there, done there, and heard the Glykeria on the driver's boombox.)

After we've wowed you with the travel section, I sneak in some photos that I rescued from the 2021 Frogstar Fighter attack. They won't keep our beautiful wildlife and floral wonders off the internet, no, sir. And then. . .

We remember that Halloween is coming and we're contractually obligated to put up Scary Stuff (with suitable warnings), so we do. Here are a couple of absolutely true and very disturbing ghost tales from me and Robbie. Dr Irving Finkel would be so envious, you know: I'm reading his book The First Ghosts and he says in his introduction that he's miffed that he's never actually seen a ghost, in spite of spending years in the British Museum at night.

You will see things in this issue you may never have seen before, like a green crab. Or Bluebottle's jokes. (I did not say you would wish to have seen them.) Please enjoy this issue. Share the highlights, such as they are, with your friends (and the lowlights with your enemies). Send us your photos and ghost stories. And have a safe week out of the path of ferocious weather events.

PS: We now have two new books we're trying to flog, plus an older favourite. Please click on the images to read about them and make your selections.

Dmitri Gheorgheni

Cover for Life in Potentia, DG's new book, available from Lulu.Cover for A Crime Has Been Committed, the latest omnibus book, available from Lulu.Cover for A Trio of Tales, Paulh's new book, available from Lulu.
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Quote of the Week:
A 70,000 word book, cover to cover, in a week is certainly doable if you allocate 4 hours per day.

Derek Whittom, software engineer, on Twitter
[Post Editor] Reader, he meant reading.

An old gravestone and an old tree.

October 2024 Create Challenge:
The Goblins Will Get You

Video Extra:
Bird Gossip
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Moletjie Nature Reserve

Moletjie Nature Reserve by Willem.



Mists of Kilimanjaro

Mists over Kilimanjaro, by ALD.


Here's Your Real Wildlife Footage
(Eat your heart out, Discovery Channel!)

Heron fishing for an eel, by SashaQ.

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