Immorternity - Chapter 22: Girl Talk
Created | Updated Apr 15, 2023
Chapter 22: Girl Talk
'Your turn, Sis!'
Eddy seemed to be enjoying himself mightily, not yet bothered by the looming consequences of getting back home and confronting their parents, in effect being a five-year-old in a now adult-sized body, but bigger than his older sister. He had snuggled up against the Prime Minister as if she was his mom. Miss June, on the other hand, appeared to experience this situation in an entirely different way, not really knowing what to make of it. Ava saved her by asking for adult-sized clothing before attempting any kind of transformation. The PM jumped up to go and raid the pre-PM drawer of her stoop-in closet, returning with some things that made Ava wonder if they were really adult clothing. She had expected rather more fabric and less frills. Miss June assured her that you couldn't get any clothing that was much more adult than this lot. For good measure she did add a dark blue trench coat that was left on the coat stand. 'That looks like it was left by the Second Lord of the Treasury. Come to think of it, I never asked what they did to the First one. Maybe we'll find him if we reach the bottom of the treasure?'
Ava didn't know either but took the coat gratefully.
After some discussion, Eddy, Wolfgang and the guard were ushered out to inspect the armoury and other things that might interest boys and were not in this specific room. The door was locked, the curtains double-checked, new clothes laid out on the couch, most old clothes peeled off to save them from the fate just witnessed at Eddy's transformation.
'You can call me by my real name now, if you like, since there is nobody to hear.' Caoilinn, a.k.a. the Prime Minister, told a shivering Ava.
'That would be nice... Well, here goes nothing…' Ava said as she opened the bottles once again and smeared the green compounds behind her left ear (no risk of getting it wrong this time), then managed to stop herself scratching the itch on her nose before washing her hands thoroughly. She had seen the potency of the stuff and didn't want that to happen just to her nose.
For dramatic effect (and because she probably would never get such a weird opportunity again), Ava climbed on top of the Cabinet Meeting conference table. The patch behind her ear immediately started to send out a pulsating wave of heat. The next feeling was like tendrils reaching out in all directions, wrapping around her body, taking away her breath for a moment. The world then turned slightly lopsided for a moment when her left leg was the first to decide to increase its length. The pain wasn't excruciating. Yet. Luckily the right leg followed suit quickly after that, making the floor and the table go down significantly. It also made the world straight again, but the aura of flickering lights caused some disorientation for Ava, as she had to step forward to avoid hitting her head against the chandelier. Her hair colour cycled through brown, green, titanium, yellow and blonde, with a hint of red.
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Caoilinn whooped as other bits started to significantly protrude and arch in the radial dimensions. The dental explosion wasn't as spectacular as with Eddy, since most of her baby teeth had already gone in the past few years, but the pumping molars still caused some weird feelings.
Suddenly, all the fireworks stopped, leaving flashing afterimages.
'Well, that seems to be about it.' Caoilinn said from the comfort of the Chesterfield. 'Let's get some clothes on you before you freeze to death.'
Jumping down from the table and walking to the collection of clothes, Ava answered: 'I'm actually feeling quite warm and comfortable right now. Could you please explain how these underwear things work? I've never worn anything leather before.'
Caoilinn eventually handed Ava the trench coat and asked her to twirl around for inspection.
'Good. We may need to do some practice runs with those heels. If we could get you a pointy hat you would make a Wicked sorceress at the West End, if you like green skin. Better not do that now.'
Ava put her old clothes and the rags and tatters that belonged to Eddy back in the satchel that she had been carrying all the way here from home and dropped herself on the Chesterfield. Home seemed like ages ago. Caoilinn joined her.
'Do you want to be my advisor? I need someone I can trust, so do you. Anyway, you probably also need someone to trust who isn't already coping with at least twenty years of backlog in experience like your brother. We can put you both on the payroll of my House Warming Party if you like (I named it after our first priority: Affordable heating to prevent poverty).'
'That would be great. We could use some help and guidance right now.'
'Yes. We will have so many things to sort out for you. Decide on an age and backstory, straighten out the paperwork and financials, get you the education you are supposed to have had, security clearance, go shopping for a new wardrobe… What time do you have to be back home tomorrow?'
'School's out at quarter past three, so my parents typically start worrying after about half past four. Come to think of it, they will probably really start worrying just when we get home this time.'
'Good. I'll cancel all my appointments for the day. Except for the King, of course. Can't do that. Do you want to meet the King?'
A thundering knock-knock rattled the door.
Ava and Caoilinn chorused 'Who's there?' at the top of their voices, then looked each other in the eye and burst into a fit of laughter as they heard the groan from the guard.
'We found the Holy Grail!' the fresh baritone voice of Eddy cried out.