Balance of Probabilities: Chapter 13

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Balance of Probabilities: Chapter 13

Scales of justice and DNA.

'Monozygotic twins. Yamada 86745/A & 86745/B. Males. DNA almost identical but differs marginally post-partum, further differences develop as the twins are exposed to their respective environments.

'The 180 DDV test is conclusive for twin A, the elder by four- and one-half minutes. 99.76% probability of violent capabilities, death sentence approved.

'Twin B has trace DDV indicators, comparable with the average law-abiding Citizen. No further action necessary.

'Agency is required to seize and process Yamada 86745A immediately.

'Society is unwilling to wait until DDV genomes show marked differences and the inherent risk increases.'

Grant read the instructions from HQ, great help!

'Mr. Yamada, can you please point out the older twin, just so we can take him away and feed him to the shredders?'

Yup, that'd work.

'Mrs. Yamada, can we hang around until the twins are toddlers, and one suddenly starts strangling people?'

Grant was stumped. Toss a coin?

Balance of Probabilities after all...50% chance of killing the right twin?

But the wrong choice?

An innocent death, something which she and every other Citizen was genetically incapable of committing!

She sat in the transport, puzzling over the situation, rubbing her stomach, and wishing her own child could get a chance to flip a coin.

On the sidewalk, Watkinns poked his head into the open doors of the vehicle.

'Could try the old Judgement of Solomon?'

Grant looked at her Sergeant quizzically.

'Danny Solomon? 5th Precinct?'

'No, it comes from a very old book, very old, look, tell the Yamadas that there's only one solution, yeah?

If they won't give up the EB, then the only judgement we can make is to take both twins to the shre…' he caught her look, 'erm, take both in for processing'

'That would be a lie!'

'But if they love the Innocent, as I'm sure they do….'

Still a look of shock on Grant's face as she stepped out onto the street, Watkinns backing out of her way, still keen to impress the Agent.

'...then they'll give us EB to save the other kid! Genius! Amazing what you learn in dusty old, prohibited antiques raids!'

He grinned at her, then stopped abruptly, as she levelled her sidearm.

'Sergeant Watkinns, you are in breach of DDV Laws, Section 21, you have shown the capability of Dishonesty. Furthermore, you have suggested that a Society Agent threaten the life of an Innocent.

'I have no alternative but to take you in for processing, please, hand over your weapon, and place your hands behind your back. You are under arrest.'

Watkinns stood, open-mouthed, as Grant basically handed him a death sentence. Meekly handing over his Glock SG61 and crossing his wrists behind his back.

He felt the plastic restraints tighten, felt the panic rising.

'I was just trying to offer a ….'

Grant merely shook her head, 'Don't bother, just don't speak, you'll only make things worse, Ben.'

Watkinns looked into her sad eyes and wondered just who he was making things worse for.

Mr. Yamada, having witnessed the scene, and Grant's impeccable honour in dealing with her deviant colleague, had reluctantly given up the EB.

If an Agent could condemn one of her own for his sake, Society demanded he also act with dignity.

He bowed in respect as the baby was taken from his sobbing wife.

Post Novella Project 2022/2023 Archive


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