
2 Conversations

The bicycle was a mode of transport developed in the middle of the 19th century. It was rapidly recognised as both convenient and efficient at preforming its task of transporting persons from one place to another. And, unlike other modes of transport, made the user healthier and happier. Its efficiency is unsurpassed even in the animal kingdom being more efficient than both the salmon and the mouse, both remarkably efficient animals, by several times. Its success, not only at preforming it's designed function exceptionally well, but providing further benifits in terms of health and its low output of pollution was ultimitly its down fall.
It was quickly recognised by economists of the time that widespread bicycle useage would lead to such a reduction in the use and need of, health care, road building, cheap entertainment and after market product and services that the economy could not support it. As a result concerted effort was put into the design and marketing of transport that required and produced all of the afore mentioned in abundance, saving the planet from a possibly sustainable and appropriate economic and social structure.
This was proven to be a prudent mesure when it was later found that the bicycle was the most efficient form of transport ever developed. As a result an ongoing campaign was waged against bicycle useage supported by both goverment and industry. Though not overt, as it would have been a logical impossibility to argue against its wide spread intoroduction, it was successfull in reducing bicycle useage to insignificant levels.

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