Post End-of-Year Quiz: Deathless Lyrics

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Post End-of-Year Quiz: Deathless Lyrics

The musical stage often attempts to be 'inspirational'. We pick up these songs and use them on suitable occasions, sometimes without thinking about their origins. What were the contexts of these inspirational popular songs? Match the lyric to the character who sang it in the original musical.

1. Oh, it's a long, long while

From May to December,

But the days grow short

When you reach September...
A Pointillist painter
2. Every street lamp seems to beat

A fatalistic warning

Someone mutters and the street lamp gutters

And soon it will be morning....
A nun
3. Mapping out a sky.

What it feels like, planning a sky....
A victim of class inequity, to God
4. I have a place where dreams are born,

And time is never planned.

It's not on any chart....
A relative, to a victim of spousal abuse
5. A dream that will need

All the love you can give

Every day of your life

For as long as you live....
A cat
6. At the end of a storm

There's a golden sky

And the sweet silver song of a lark....
A postage-stamp prince
7. With no star to guide me

And no one beside me

I'll go on my way

And after the day

That darkness will hide me....
An escaped mental patient
8. There is no death though eyes grow dim,

There is no fear when I'm near to him....
A US Marine officer
9. You've got to be taught to be afraid

Of people whose eyes are oddly made

And people whose skin is a different shade....
A fairy
10. To be willing to march into hell

For a heavenly cause....
A grumpy Dutch dictator

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A medieval soldier, a king and an executioner performing on stage - a production of 'Spamalot'.
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