Welcome to the Learning Centre No, that's not the real computer mural at the Library of Congress. It's been photoshopped a bit. We take liberties, but only in the interest of getting your attention. We will not slip any Fake News in on you without giving you a fighting chance. We're better than those other websites.
However, I do rant on about Fake News in this issue. Please see the clearly labelled 'h2g2 Rant'. If you've got something to get off your chest, please send it to us. There's a lot to complain about here at year's end, and we might as well do it. If you're anywhere in the Northern Hemisphere, you're probably snowed in and can't get out, anyway. It will give you something to do in between bouts of snow shoveling.
Or design us a greeting card. We're still publishing these alt-December gems that Create have coaxed out of everyone. This week: Earth Day (why not, Earth needs some love right about now) and the explosive St Barbara. She's a blast, and so are the cards.
We have awesomeness for you. There are wattled starlings. Did you know there were wattled starlings? Let Willem show and tell. Help caption the beautiful Heinz Chapel. We believe we can state unequivocally that, although Da Vinci's Last Supper is there in stained glass, there is no ketchup on that seder table, even though it's kosher.
There's a seasonal quiz and a seasonal crossword. (Yay!) You will have to think. You may have to think about the jokes, too. Find out why Baby Jesus isn't allowed near the power tools. Learn why the aliens want a business loan. Delve deeper into cinema with Awix, who pays tribute to a stellar performance by the late Robert Vaughn. We have a literary find that's written in praise of the typo. This is particularly timely in an 'unpresidented' fashion. . .
Read, leave comments and virtual tea (we're cold in Pennsylvania), and send more Stuff! Another year will be here before you know it, and we need the copy. And have a great week: enjoy your eggnog, wrap those presents, and sing a few carols while waiting for that magical visitation. We refer, of course, to the Doctor. . . (And avoid that devil in the library. Get your news from us.)
Dmitri Gheorgheni