Spoils of War: If a Submarine Hits You, Can Your Survivors Collect on Your Life Insurance?
Created | Updated Nov 15, 2015
More 'news' from World War I.
If a Submarine Hits You, Can Your Survivors Collect on Your Life Insurance?

In 1918, apparently, the answer was 'yes'. At least, according to the Yale Law Review. (We don't think the 1 April date meant they were kidding. Lawyers don't kid.)
Here's what the legal note said.
Insurance – Accident – Death by Submarine.
The defendant issued a policy insuring the holder against injury caused "by external, violent, and accidental means." Injuries "from fire-arms of any kind or from explosives" were expressly excluded. The insured sailed for England in 191 5 on the Arabic, and this vessel was torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine. Later the body of the insured was found, wearing a life preserver, the death having been caused by drowning. Held, that the beneficiary could recover on the policy. Woods v. Standard Ace. Ins. Co. (1918, Wis.) 166 N. W. 20.
Good to know, we guess.