Freebie Film Tip #24: Sci-Fi Break: Revolutionary Dilemmas

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Freebie Film Tip #24: Sci-Fi Break: Revolutionary Dilemmas

Today, for one day only, we take a break from science fiction. Well, I say that, but Irish politics can be surreal, so maybe we're not that far off from the subject. Sean O'Casey, a great playwright, had the gift of illuminating the human condition with a razor-sharp observation of the people around him. Thus it is with Shadow of a Gunman, a beautiful play about ordinary, rather endearing people caught up in a horrible situation.

One remarkable thing about this play was that it premiered in 1923 – but the events it describes happen in 1920. I can't imagine anyone else in the world being able to write such a clear-headed play so shortly after the kind of contentious turmoil that takes place in this story. Can you imagine a critical play about the American Revolution written in 1786? Ha! Or a satirical play lampooning the behaviour of the Great Powers so shortly after World War I, anywhere? I think not.

Best of all, this performance features Kenneth Branagh and Stephen Rea. They're both terrific here, as are all the other actors. The story just springs to life. I read that there was a US TV version starring Richard Dreyfuss. Unfortunately, I can't find a clip for comparison. Dreyfuss is a talented actor, and I've seen some of his early dramatic work, which is good. But frankly, I can't imagine a US cast getting this right. I've sat through US productions of JM Synge that will make your ears hurt. Why do they do it?

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the play. O'Casey's a revelation, and this is an expert production.

Dramatic reenactment of events of 1918, when Eamon De Valera and Michael Collins campaigned for Sinn Fein in the general election.
2014 Freebie Film Tips Archive

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