Freebie Film Tip #22: Action in the Fictional Air

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Freebie Film Tip #22: Action in the Fictional Air

This British film, called Non Stop New York, is so full of thrills and spills that Awix has suggested it should be remade as a vehicle for his beloved Jason Statham. You'll see why when you get to the action-packed ending, with its aerial stunts. Wow. Heady stuff.

The story concerns a plucky young woman who witnesses a murder in New York, then takes an ocean liner home to the UK. When she finds out that the wrong man is accused of the murder, she stows away aboard a non-stop flight to the Big Apple in order to clear up the mystery. Unfortunately, the flight also contains evil gangsters and a very pesky musical prodigy armed with a saxophone…

The weird bit is the airplane. It has decks. It has staterooms. It has more conveniences than Air Force One. This airplane is more like a ship or dirigible. In short, it defies the laws of gravity and physics. I think you'll get a chuckle out of it.

First-class bedroom aboard RMS Titanic
2014 Freebie Film Tips Archive

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