The Post Quiz: The Names of Fear

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This material is not for the faint-hearted. You have been warned.

This quiz may give you nightmares. Mwahaha…

The Post Quiz: The Names of Fear

A woman screams as spiders climb across her face

What are you afraid of? Do clowns make you shiver? Do you hate spiders? Does having a name for these fears reassure you that you are not alone? Take this quiz to explore the world of phobias: named fears. But beware: you may discover new things to worry about.

Match the fear to its fancy name.

Fear of……is called…
  1. clowns
  2. bathing
  3. insanity
  4. ventriloquist's dummies
  5. beautiful women
  6. teenagers
  7. vegetables
  8. the Isle of Wight
  9. fear itself
  10. Greek words1
  • phobophobia
  • caligynephobia
  • maniaphobia
  • ablutophobia
  • ephebiphobia
  • automatonophobia
  • insulaphobia
  • hellenologophobia
  • coulrophobia
  • lachanophobia

For answers, click the picture of the fetching lunatic differently-mentated Time Lady below.

Lalla Ward as Ophelia in a 1980 BBC production of 'Hamlet'.
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Dmitri Gheorgheni

20.10.14 Front Page

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