Escaping Quicksand: A guide

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Quicksand is a bed of loose sand mixed with water,it gives in easily to pressure and can engulf objects on it's surface. It can be found almost anywhere, It is hardly ever found in desserts though, due to the lack of water. 

"As a policeman for the Manchester Ship Canal Co, my father had to attend a ship when someone fell into the grain store as it was being unloaded. Sadly it wasn't a happy ending."-From an h2g2 reasearcher.

The above story illustrates just how dangourous quicksand can be, ideally you would never encounter quicksand but on the unfortunate event that you do, this guide will be here to help you.

The first step in this guide to escaping Quicksand is of course advice on how to avoid quicksand.


Avoiding Quicksand

Any time you are in an area with wet ground (E.G, beaches and marshes) be on the lookout for ground that looks unstable if possible take a stick with you and use it to test the ground ahead of you, as quicksand can be difficult to spot. If you step on ground that ripples beneath you, take a step back.


So you didn't follow step one...or When in quicksand follow these instructions

If you find yourself in quicksand, then drop anything you are carrying, for example a backpack, DO NOT STRUGGLE, whatever you do, do not struggle, stay still and you'll only sink as far as your chest, because your body is less dense than quicksand,but if you struggle the quicksand is displaced and you will sink.

Breathe Deeply, It is impossible to become completely submurged if your lungs are full of air.

Lie down on your back (the more you spread out your weight, the harder it will be to sink), from this position you should be able to propel yourself to solid ground.

Be Patient, it could take hours to get out of quicksand, but don't be tempted to start thrashing or moving suddenly, this will just cause you to sink.

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