Kentucky Derby Post Positions

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Race Location - Church Hill Downs - Lexington, Kentucky

Date 4 May, 2013 Time 6:24 PM US Eastern (daylight) Time

Post Position - Horse's Name - Jockey - Trainer - Early Odds

  1. Black Onyx - Joe Bravo - Kelly Breen - 50-1

    This horse has been withdrawn from the race - any bets here will be lost!

  2. Oxbow - Gary Stevens - D. Wayne Lukas - 30-1

  3. Revolutionary - Calvin Borel - Todd Pletcher - 10-1

  4. Golden Soul - Robby Albarado - Dallas Stewart - 50-1

  5. Normandy Invasion - Javier Castellano - Chad Brown - 12-1

  6. Mylute - Rosie Napravnik - Tom Amoss - 15-1

  7. Giant Finish - Jose L. Espinoza - Anthony W. Dutrow - 50-1

  8. Goldencents - Kevin Krigger - Doug O'Neill - 5-1

  9. Overanalyze - Rafael Bejarano - Todd Pletcher - 15-1

  10. Palace Malice - Mike Smith - Todd Pletcher - 20-1

  11. Lines of Battle - Ryan Moore - Aidan O'Brien - 30-1

  12. Itsmyluckyday Elvis Trujillo Eddie Plesa Jr. 15-1

  13. Falling Sky - Luis Saez - John Terranova II - 50-1

  14. Verrazano - John R. Velazquez - Todd Pletcher - 4-1

  15. Charming Kitten - Edgar Prado - Todd Pletcher - 20-1

  16. Orb - Joel Rosario - Claude R. McGaughey III - 7-2

  17. Will Take Charge - Jon Court - D. Wayne Lukas - 20-1

  18. Frac Daddy - Victor Lebron - Kenny McPeek - 50-1

  19. Java's War - Julien Leparoux - Kenny McPeek - 15-1

  20. Vyjack Garrett - Gomez - Rudy Rodriguez -15-1

It should be noted that actual odds when the race begins will determine all prizes, and will not be the same as those posted here..

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