Freebie Film Tip #30: What Happens When People Have Access to the Prelinger Archives? A Cautionary Tale
Created | Updated Nov 30, 2012
Freebie Film Tip #30: What Happens When People Have Access to the Prelinger Archives? A Cautionary Tale

Okay, it was inevitable: there are over 2,000 films available in the Prelinger Archives. And people have video software at their fingertips. What follows is natural, but at times unedifying.
And will have you rolling on the floor.
First film: And Deliver Us from Evil. The narration is taken from that favourite, Perversion for Profit, a classic anti-porn film. But you might recognise some of the other visuals, as well, such as the baseball bat in the library. For that truly cosmopolitan touch, the film-maker has added French subtitles.
The existence of the Prelinger Archives has led to the discovery of educational films the government didn't know they had made, such as Monkeys in the Workplace. Good thing, too. We are edified here, and enjoy some satire on the side.
Oh, the opportunity for satire is everywhere, such as Planet Earth: Our Response. It's a taut little science fiction tale.
Some of these films are downright brilliant – like the fantastic Zeppelins vs Pterodactyls. Yep, there are zeppelins. And double-yep, there is a pterodactyl. It's a thrilling six minutes and 41 seconds.
Not all the films are funny. This two-minute film is an award-winning look at the principles behind Creative Commons licencing. Brilliantly done. We couldn't have said it better ourselves. That's the way: share!
We've appreciated that sharing, all month. Thank you for reading and watching.