Amateur Thematics

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As long-time readers of the post will know, my poetry skills aren't what you'd consider 'good'. Or 'acceptable'. So it'll be of great comfort and consolation to hear that this article won't feature any of my poetry. – Mr603

Now if you've all finished your sighs of relief, let's begin.

Amateur Thematics

A Poetry Evening for the Benefit of Francis House Childrens' Hospice

Starring Working Verse

Supported by Rod Tame

January 7 2012

The Lowry Theatre, Salford Quays, Salford

Amateur Thematics.

On January 7 2012, esteemed Greater Mancunian poets Benny-Jo Zahl, Dave Viney and Keiren King (aka Working Verse, pictured above) will be attempting to answer the burning questions of life, the universe and everything. In the form of a poetry show about putting on a poetry show.

Having asked the public for a selection of themes, our three heroes were expecting to fill a set with musings on 'love', 'hate', 'life' and 'death'. But the suggestions they received turned out to be something entirely different...

So for just five (5) English pounds - all of which will be donated to the absolutely wonderful Francis House Children's Hospice1 - you can join Working Verse as they cover the most pressing issues of the day: Being a football fan when the game's all about money, how to handle metal-club snobs who don't look old enough to shave, and the effects of the humble computer game on the adult male mind. "I wandered lonely as a cloud.." this is not.

And if that wasn't enough for you, there's even a support act - the wonderful Mr. Rod Tame.

Tickets for this one night only extravaganza of timing, timbre and tonality are going fast, so if you're ready to learn just what performance poetry is all about, head over to the Lowry Theatre website and book your tickets now.

Because if you don't, then I'll start writing poetry for The Post. And nobody wants that...

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1Disclaimer: I have a family member who regularly attends Francis House. This post is for charity. I'm not being paid for this.

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