Block Two - Arrivals. So where are we
Created | Updated Jan 31, 2003

- Which country's team always leads the processtion at the Olympic Games opening ceremony?
- Greece
- Who started out as Mortimer in 1928?
- Mickey Mouse
- What fruit is slivovitz made from?
- Plums
- How wide is a hockey goal?
- 12 feet
- Which king adopted the name Windsor for the Royal Family?
- George V
- What are Unaone, Soxisix, Novenine?
- International communication phonetics for the numbers 1, 6 & 9
- What are the constituent parts of the drink Black Velvet
- Who has Pattie Boyd been married to?
- George Harrison & Eric Clapton
- Who was originally named Jan Lodvik Hock
- Robert Maxwell
- Napoleon III had a dinner service made from a metal more precious than gold. Which metal?
- Aluminium