A Conversation for Great Footballers

Nat Lofthouse

Post 1

Trout Montague

Nat 'The Lion' Lofthouse was the archetypal old-fashioned English centre-forward, and in battering-ram fashion scored 30 goals in repayment for his 33 England caps. His whole career was spent with Bolton, who he captained to FA Cup Final success against Man Utd in 1958, scoring along the way by bundling the ball and the 'keeper over the line.

Nat Lofthouse

Post 2


1958. Yes, this was the year that every club sportingly fielded a reserve team against United in the cup after they lost most of their starting line-up in Munich. United made it to the final where Bolton played their first team and Nat Lofthouse pushed the keeper over the line to "score". What a team and what a sportsman! smiley - erm

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