The Tingling Feeling

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It is a truth universally acknowledged that every song in want of an audience will find a root into our hearts. Whether a song causes you to cry or you beam with happiness there is always an element with those few tracks that make you 'tingle'.

The Tingle

The 'tingle' is where you feel a rush of anticipation, a moment where the breath is drawn into your chest and it doesn't want to let go. The feeling where you can feel the music go from head to toe and back again, all from a small riff, a simple stum of the bass, the lyrics to the tune or the simple arrangement of notes. An almost electric feeling.

For this Researcher the two songs she knows for certain brings a tingle top to toe, are the introduction to 'Like Everyone She Knows' by James Taylor and 'In My Life' by The Beatles. Why do they make her tingle? She has no idea, but on hearing these tracks she can feel her heart in her throat.

Bubbling Emotions

Some pieces are so emotive they can provoke the unleashing of specific feelings to specific people.


Happiness is



How many times have you been talking to a coupled up friend and they tells them as the radio blares out the latest hit or the most sappy of love songs, that 'this is our song'.

  1. 'Grow Old With Me' by John Lennon
  2. 'Can't Take My Eyes Off of You' by Franki Valli
  3. 'Unforgettable' by Nat King Cole and Natalie Cole
  4. 'As Time Goes By' by Dooley Wilson
  5. 'When I Fall in Love' by Young and Heyman (Nat King Cole)
  6. 'My Funny Valentine' by Rodgers and Hart
  7. 'Love Me Tender' by Elvis Presley
  8. 'Moon River' by Andy Williams
  9. 'Every Breath You Take' by The Police
  10. 'Unchained Melody' by Roy Orbison
  11. 'Something' by Beatles

These are some of the most requested songs at weddings.

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