our manifesto

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The points below outline the main issues that we feel need to change in order to develop a better society, one which effectively deals with the problems in our community and the world at large. These are the preliminary ideas, points that obviously need to be worked on to form a fluid manifesto for a new way forward, a political movement based on debate and co-operation. If you feel you have something to add to these points, or if you have read something that you disagree with strongly, we would greatly appreciate any comments you would like to make.

1. IVF, artificial insemination etc. should be banned. If people can’t have babies, they should only be allowed to adopt, or foster.
2. Cloning should be allowed, but not as far as a full human being, for example stem cell technology or growing organs for transplantation.
3. People shouldn’t have cosmetic surgery, IVF, sex change ops ON THE NHS.
4. Legalise euthanasia for terminally ill.
5. Men should be given routine, compulsory tests for testicular cancer.
6. More public funding into potential killer disease cures/treatments.
7. Bureaucracy needs to be cut down in order to free up time.
8. Nurses need to be paid more, and treated with more respect in society.

1. Separate the debate between Heroin/Crack Cocaine & Cannabis.
2. Legalise Cannabis/Personal Use.
3. Heavy punishment for sellers/Pushers.
4. Treatment centres/long term rehabilitation centres for voluntary clients.
5. All drugs should be made legal, and stronger drugs be prescribed on the NHS (i.e. Heroin)

1. Age of marriage consent brought to 18.
2. Make contraceptives available freely to all, regardless of age, on the NHS.
3. Age of military draft brought to 18.
4. Languages need to be taught at an earlier age, from primary school

1. Exactly the same level of minimum wage for all over 16,not staggered as it is now.
2. Legalise prostitution.
3. Invest in public hostels/shelters.

1. Ban foxhunting.
2. Public investment into Organic farming, to move away from intensive farming.
3. Public investment in renewable energy.
4. Wind down of Nuclear energy.
5. Stop illegal fishing/slow over fishing.

1. Stop all building of new roads.
2. All cities should have trams/monorails.
3. Revitalise canal system in Britain.
4. All fuel bearing ships must be double-hulled and have regular checks.
5. More public investment in railways/buses.
6. Public transport should be completely free and accessible to senior citizens and disabled passengers throughout the U.K.
7. Once public transport is sorted in inner cities, ban cars travelling in city centres.
8. More freight trains/canal boats for transportation of goods.
9. Regular public transport in rural areas.
10. Reopening of closed railway lines.

Arms Trade.
1. Stop buying arms from America.
2. Stop selling arms to Africa and other volatile nations.
3. Produce enough arms for our defence only.
4. Bio/chemical arms should be banned.
5. Stop selling mines.

World issues
1. Adopt the Euro.
2. Adopt the maximum working week.
3. International court (INCLUDING America)
4. Work towards the elimination of poverty and corruption with the aid of other caring countries.

British issues
1. National holiday for St. David, St. George, St. Andrew
2. Life means life for Murder, Paedophilia, Rape
3. No Death Penalty.
4. Immediate wage increase for Public sector workers.
5. Bring politicians wages in line with other public sector workers.
6. Replace Lord peers/countesses etc. with Union party representatives.
7. Allow 24hr alcohol trading laws.
8. Tobacco law age limit brought to 18.
9. Keep Post Offices open in rural areas.
10. Tougher sentances for people who commit animal cruelty.

These are merely our fundamental principles that we believe in, and although we haven't explained each point in full detail, we believe that radical change is required, and essential, to alter the social attitude of this country, it's people, and it's future.

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