A Conversation for Buskers and Busking
Waterloo Busker Carnival
Sam Started conversation Mar 9, 2006
My heart sank when I opened the link and saw it had been running for 18 years... until I realised it was in Waterloo, Ontario. I've been thinking for weeks about trying to organise a busker's festival along the south bank during the summer.
There are some great buskers around London. My friend Adrian, who plays slide guitar at Camden lock... The lady who sings and plays guitar at Oxford Circus in the morning rush hour... Carrot, the harmonica player who used to play outside Camden tube years ago - last seen in Brighton.... The flute player outside Shepherds Bush tube.
My last good find was the Portico Quartet playing outside the NFT on a Saturday afternoon.
Any other really good ones that I've missed?
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Waterloo Busker Carnival
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