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Woman asleep at her computer

A term used to describe somebody who is single-minded in a technical or scientific pursuit. Traditionally the term implied people alien to society, but with the increasing dependance of society upon technology geeks are becoming respected despite their unconformity.


The term "geek" was originally used for a circus performer who, as part of their act, bit the head off a live chicken.

Geeks and computers

The most common way of identifying a geek is by the amount of time they spend using a computer, and what they use it for. A typical geek will spend a few hours per day using a computer, and they will be doing strange things that normal mortals cannot comprehend. When talking about computers, which they do often, they will utter strange terms such as "GNU/Linux" and refer to famous programmers by their first names or initials (eg. "rms" or "Alan"), expecting you to know what they are talking about.

Geeks and clothing

Geeks and science fiction

Geeks and relationships

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