D**n Dan

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Author's Note: I do not take full credit for this work; I wrote it in conjuction with two (2) other persons.

Chapter One

Dan was walking down the allyway. He wasn't sure where he was going; he had forgotten. Suddenly, there was a white cat.
"Meow", it said.
'That was close.', he thought to himself. 'But, why is it running?'
In the night, a child cried, a dog died, and a man was slain. But, it was not those afore-mentioned things that had made it run. It was a drug-lord from a South-American country starting with a "C" and ending with an "A".
"Yaal want herb?"
'What the blast is he talking about?' Then said Dan "Vaat? I not oonterstanting yeu."

I tried to act as if I were a tourist but the man persisted.
"Don't play me like that, foo"
"Vat iss a Foo?"
Suddenly sirens could be heard.
"Oh s**t; it's tha 5-0!"
He ran like the wind.
'What was that?'

Chapter Two

"Mom, I met a strange hispanic humanoid male. I spotted a large tattoo depicting a green dragoon entwined with a rat in it's tail on him. It started at his shoulder and ended at the centre of his throat." His mother was a cop and he tried to act smart in her presence.
"Son, I beleive you have just met Franko, the Columbian. He is the most wanted dealer in America; north and south. Now, granted, he is wanted for questioning, but still...."
"Are you attempting to frighten me, mother?"
"No, son. It is the truth."
"Very well. I shall depart presently for my inner sanctum. Estemated time of arival is: 10 seconds."
"Ney. Pray son, wait. I must speak with you. Did you accept his
"No, of course not mother, I pretended I was a germanic individual who was visiting our gracious city of Richmond."
"I see...I shall now dismiss you to your quote "Inner Sanctum". Dismissed. Tata, junior!"
In my room, I thought about who I had just encountered. I had just met the MOST WANTED drug dealer ( for questioning meaning that the police had no concreat evidence that he actually was a drug seller) in the Americas. I dug through my brain and suddenly... two neurons clicked! Well, now I will tell you my idea.
It might be a little extravagant, but you'll have to listen anyway. My idea was fairly simple; it involved in a nut shell, to erm, shall we say, euh, accept and... consume the, umm, quite, er, marijuana, pot, weed, grass, dope, waky tabaky, herb, cess, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera....
Then, the next time Mister Franko asks me to consume more of the substance mentioned above, my mother, the cop, policewoman, copper et cetera, et cetera, et cetera... shall nullify him due to the omni-present fact that he is (or, at the minimum, is) a flappable personnage.

Chapter Three

The next, consecutive passgae of morning, dawn, high-noon being the lievering of the sun; our star unto our selves, after-noon, evening, dusk and then the night (also known as the next day), I went back to the same position in the great Space/Time Continuum, being the alley way where I first met Franko to put into motion my plan that I had conceived the yester-eve. Again, he was there. I assumed at this time that this was his daily place.
'Good. This will help my plan.'
"Well, now, if it ain't tha foo that played me yesterday."
"Yes, it's I. I've come to accept your offer."
'Well now, I'd be happy to give it to ya, once ya tell me whut made ya
change yer mind."
"Well, sir, I thought about it and realized that I had been wanting to try it for a while", I lied. "When I first encountered you, however, I must admitt that you, shall we say, frightened me. So, I de-"
He starting laughing so hard that I had to stop what I was saying for I had realised that he would not be able to understand me.
"Say whut? I scared ya?"
"Erm, yes."
"Don't be scared. Say, what's yer name?"
"Frank.", I lied again.
"Well, ain't that amazing, I'm Franko. So, how much weed d'ya want?"
"Just a joint to start with will be fine."
"Uh, common. Y'ain't wantin' maybe a fifth?"
"No. Just a joint'll be fine."
"Sure thing. 10 bucks."
"Ok. Thanks. Now, I have to be going now."
"Oh, is your momma callin' ya home? I think I hear her now. 'Frank?
Come home. Diner's ready.' Common. If yer manly enough to buy some pot,
smoke it with me."
"No, really, that's quite ok."
"I insist."
The way he said it; I knew he meant it as an ultimadum.
"Well, alright"
He took the joint out of his pocket (he had not yet given it to me) and lit it. He took a puff and handed it to me. I took it from his hand and put it in a grip as if he were holding a cigarette.
"That's not the way to hold it, like this."
He showed me. I took it back and looked at it. Then, I put it into my mouth and inhaled. I could feel the poison; the fumes seeping into my body. I thought I would die from the pain. But not a sound did I utter. I kept it in for five seconds. Five seconds of hell; of torture. I saw my life flashing before my eyes; like I've seen on the T. V. Then, miraculously, I exhaled and let oxygen fill my seemingly half-dead lungs. What had I just done? I had gone against everything that I had been tought. Why?
"Well, ya took it like a true druggie. Good for you. Here, have another puff.
He gave it back to me. I did the same. Same affect but this time a little less
harsh on my lungs and a little bit more interesting to my brain.
I went on like that until I finished the joint. I felt like I had betrayed everybody I knew and would ever know; even though I did not. I felt dirty. I felt dead. I felt high and absolutly wonderfull.
'Send it ma way.'

Chapter Four

I spent the remainder of that day with Franko. I met some of his other friends. I now had all the evidence I needed to tell to my mother that they actually were real buyers and sellers of marijuana and other drugs including opium, coccain and L. S. D. But, did I really now want to advise my mother of the situation? Well, no. I had grown a taste for this... thing, this... drug.
Suddenly Franko called me
"Come here Lil' F." This was his nick name for me.
"Wa chu want Franko?"
"Since Ah trust ya I won' you t' drop this off on the av." This was his
term for street. I couldn't believe my ears. After on'y one day, he wanted his Lil' F. to sell fo' him.
"An' take this along with ya."
It was a small a Glock.
"This be my nine-milly to use." He also gave me a code to use in case I was busted. It was Ashush.
My very first buyer was a guy, forty-two year old pot-wantin' American.
"Yo, ya new?", he asked of me.
"Ya; mah firs' deal in the bidness."
"Alright. Guess wah.", he said.
"OK. Here's what. Take this."
He handed me a piece of paper it said: Busted! along with the Miranda
Warnings. I screamed at the top of my lungs.
The call was echoed throughout the ally. Suddenly, tires squealed. I looked into the window. It was Franko pointing a side-by-side at me. No, at the cop!
"Get down!", he yelled.
He started shooting. He shot the would-be buyer 7 times. I ducked to the pavement. All around, the S. W. A. T. Team was comming for us; for me. I surrendered as soon as they came to me. The press was not far behind.

Chapter Five

"Good Lord!" I, mother of Dan thought as I watched the breaking news bullettin on CNN. "Could that trully be my son?"
"This just in; a major drug bust is in progress in Richmond, Virginia. We take you there now; live at the scene with Sherri O'Kay. Sherri, how's it looking?
"Well, not too good, Brian. The suspected leader of North and South America's biggest drug-ring, Franko Dellamminda, is currently under arrest. Along with his henchmen and about 60 million dollars worth of drugs, we found a young boy dealer of about 14 years of age. His name is not currenlty known...."
They showed a picture of the boy. It was Dan. He was under arrest. He had been shot three times by the S. W. A. T. Team. Things were not looking too good when suddenly, there came something strange to the television screen. It was llike this. A piercing sound emmmited from the speakers while the screen was turning from a picture of California's Big Sur to a blood-red colour. Then, when the screen had become that colour, the noise stopped and a voice came on.
"People of Earth, you have precisly 24 hours and a half until the apocolypse of the world is begun. Thank you for your co-operation." Sadly, however, nobody heard the speech due to the fact that the aliens were so miniscule. Also, they were broadcasting from the stomach of a puppy-dog that had et them.This anouncment was followed by many other anouncements as such including one from the President of the United States of America. Fire-works could be hear out side. CNN was distrought; they had one drug bust and an apocolypse on their hands. For once, they had nothing more to say and went off the air. Twenty three and one half hours later, the fire-works began again. Then, slowly, the world died.

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