Created | Updated Jul 4, 2002
Hannax was just sitting down to his brunch when there suddenly came a large parcel through the slit in his front door for mail, otherwise known as a mail slot. Hannax was very curious and being so, he put down his plate on the table and went to the door so that he could examine the parcel. It came with no letter of explanation. There was just an envelope with something quite large inside. He opened it. He was quite surprised. The envelope contained a book of an immense size. The book's title was something in a foreign language. It read, "Met Ezoozhie". Hannax opened the book and was stupefied. All it's content was the same foreign wording as the title; "Met Ezoozhie" repeated but once. It was so short that he assumed that there was more that had been faded out for the entire content itself was fading. He was quite puzzled and he thought, "Hannax, you know you can't think properly on an empty stomach. Go and eat your brunch and then you can try to solve this quite possibly unsolvable problem." And that was precisely what he ended up doing. When he had finished, he again pondered the idea of what to do about the strange book. He decided upon going to his friend's house to pay him a visit. So he started of down Kachby Road in Bungkin Village to see his friend - who was also a Faramierä - Doval Rokeston.
Hannax rapped on Doval's door. A Skinny, 5' tall Faramierä with green eyes and flaming red hair opened the door.
"Hannax, my friend, what brings you all the way down from Libkas?" Libkas was his house. "A person happened to drop this through my mail slot while I was just sitting down for my brunch. I decided then and there that I would finish my meal and then come straight over and seek your wise council." He told the partial lie quite easily. Doval new him too well though to believe it.
"Well, that was a nice thing of you to do. You yourself know how lonely it can get up here. It is a shame you came now and not earlier for I not a moment ago finished my breakfast. I woke up a bit late. Pity... But nonetheless, let us get down to business."
"Come now, my dear friend, you perfectly well know that I always can find a little bit more room in my stomach for some more food." As he said this, he lightly patted his stomach emphasising that he was a chubby Faramierä and was always hungry. So, they entered the house and sat down. They started to talk about each other and what they had been doing for they had not seen each other in quite a long time. When this was done, Doval got up and fetched a delectable brunch for the both of them. Doval loved to talk and eat (especially in the morning in the lolden (though it was not lolden yet)(lolden is the earth equivalent of winter)) and was reluctant to come to the subject that had brought Hannax rapping at his front door, but after a while, he gave in to Hannax's wish. "Are you positive that you saw no one walking away? Your house does have a window on each side of the door."
"I tell you, I am absolutely without a doubt positive that I saw not a single soul or animal in my line of vision."
"Well, would you mind if I take a look at this mysterious book?"
"Why no, not at all. Be my guessed."
Doval reached out his hand for the object that was a book in his friend's hand. He examined the book. He noticed that a strange looking key fell out of a secret compartment. There was also a letter. Doval read the letter to Hannax. "Met Ezoozhie zh ze porkä dootl chi yokoloko. Met Mannaffort ton vinkä zh pappä lo. Koroko met Ezoozhie ton nakkä. Met Zeiffoo ton oomo lo util itos laooft. Flabbola Munkdoorp.
"Cof met bem. Pur tem dolf sat, ipt ton wampä ä umlaf. Yut met Ezoozhie rit lo. Howl met Ezoozhie. Kikt met mirndas..." The rest was torn off.
"Now what in the world do you suppose that means?", said Hannax?
"I really don't know. But I know of a person in Pannakkanna that knows a lot of languages. He might be able to help us." Because it was early, they went to Pannakkannä. After about 4 hours, they finally reached Pannakkannä. There they asked for the person that Doval had been talking about. The person's name was Unärra Wallambi.
"Come in, come in.", said Unärra. "Why have you come and where do you come from and what are your names?"
"I am Hannax Gorda and this is Doval Rokeston," he said pointing to his friend. "We both come from Bungkin Village, about a 4 hour walk from here. We came to ask you if you knew what this book said." Doval, who was carrying the book handed it over to Unärra. Unärra took the book. As soon as he took it he said the title. Then he opened the book and read the contents. Then, Hannax gave him the letter and the key. He yelped as if he was in pain and smacked Hannax and Doval. They were taken aback and immediately smacked him back. Then he went to the door that was the front door and smacked it. He then took the key and put it in a keyhole that had just appeared. He then proceeded to say some other foreign words that sounded a bit like the language on the strange letter that had fallen out of the book. Then he opened the door. Hannax and Doval where completely stupefied. They had been magically transported to Libkas. What were they doing there was running through the minds of Hannax and his friend Doval. But the answer came to them as Unärra told them the legend.
"A long time ago, right were this house now stands, Flabbola Munkdoorp created the Ezoozhie. This is the Ezoozhie." He held up the strange and large looking key. "The Ezoozhie is the key to everything, thus it looks like a key. Did I mention that he had a sense of humour? If this got into the wrong hands, it just might be the end of the world. But, what shall you do with it? Are you evil? Or are you the 'Mannaffort'?
"Tell me", said Doval, who took the key back from the old man, "what is the 'Mannaffort?"
"The 'Mannaffort' is the person who will come to get the Ezoozhie. You see, when Flabbola created the Ezoozhie, he had just finished making the dzainehang. This is a sort of magical dzain" (A dzain is the equivalent of an earth diamond.)" He maid but one. It enables you, with the help of the Ezoozhie, to give one the power of the ages; anything you want, you can have. It gives you the ultimate power. You are in fact-" He was suddenly stopped by Doval who then said: "I believe we get the point."
"But, can you tell me what the letter says?", said Hannax.
"Why, of course", said Unärra. "It means: The key to life is what I made. The 'Mannaffort' will come to get it. Give the key to him. The curse will protect it until that time. Flabbola Munkdoorp is the person who wrote the letter. The next part is what we would call an O. I. F."(An O. I. F. or Oops I Forgot, (pronounced oeef) is the equivalent of a P. S. or Post Script.) "In this case, it would be a discreet message. It says: Hit the door. Where your hand was, there will be a keyhole. Put the key in it. Turn the key. Say the words... I personally tore off the rest for fear of somebody using the key. The words say: 'Ramped, Ezoozhie, ramped!' which means work key work." After the first word, all three of them stated the last two words.
"But what exactly is the language that it is written in?", asked Hannax.
"It is written in an ancient language. One that has not been uttered for an eon. The language is: Rokestongorda."
"But that is my last name and my friends!", said Doval.
"Yes it is", said Unärra. "Have you never ever wondered why you're so rich?"
"No not really."
"Well do it right now!"
"Ahh!" said Hannax getting a little annoyed.
"Well anyways, the first Gorda and the first Rokeston were smart. They did not like the universal language of that time which was Nikok. So, they decided to come up with a language that had never been done before. It was very simple as apposed to the languages of that time which were very complicated. So simple and guttural was it in fact that it raised some controversy."
"But hold on a moment", said Hannax, "you said it was guttural. In my mind and I'm sure Doval's", Doval nodded his approval, "it is very chirpy. It flows like the water of a river, not of a slobik. (A 'slobik' is their version of a sewer.)
"I tend to agree also, but, in there time, it seemed to them to be guttural. Anyway, after a while, it seemed to click in the minds of our fellow Faramieräs. They, being the Farramieräs, started to give generous donations to the fund set up by your predecessors."