Southern United States Food

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A techincal look at some of the things the great American South has to offer... Some things are truely wonderful, while some things here are just odd.

Also, I'd like to thank my housemate, Grant, for some of the items listed here.

Corn bread: A bread made from yellow cornmeal, flour (regular, not self rising), baking soda, baking powder, salt, egg, buttermilk, butter or rendered bacon fat. It’s a very heavy textured bread, served with butter. (it’s best hot, straight out of the oven)

Sweet tea: Tea (normally Lipton brand) with ungodly amounts of sugar. Example: ten gallons of tea with five cups of sugar.

Corn dogs: A hot dog with a sweet batter (cornmeal, sugar, eggs, and a little water or milk) on the hot dog, deep fried, with a stick on one end. Usually served with ketchup or mustard.

Chicken fried chicken: A chicken breast, breaded with bread crumbs, deep-fried and served with breakfast gravy (white gravy with bits of sausage)

Chicken fried steak: Same thing as chicken fried chicken, but made from beef.

Moonpie: A confection made by the Chattanooga Bakery in Chattanooga, Tennessee that consists of two slices of a lunch cake type bread with marshmallow filling, dipped in chocolate or banana flavored coating.

Turnip greens: The green, leafy part of a turnip, stewed until soft and served with malt vinegar.

Grits: A more in-depth entry.

Hash brown Casserole: Shredded potatoes, fried in butter and then mixed with cheese (usually Colby) and milked and cooked into a casserole form.

Country Ham (w/red eye gravy): A type of ham that’s been salt cured to where it won’t rot under any conditions. Is sold in grocery stores, hung from a wooden rack, covered in netting. Served after soaked in boiling water and then fried. Served with red eye gravy.

Red eye gravy: A gravy consisting of the water that the ham was boiled in mixed with coffee.

Biscuits and gravy: A soft, fluffy, yet heavy bread made from flour, eggs, and milk (not a tea biscuit). Served with the same breakfast gravy mentioned above.

RC Cola: Royal Crown Cola, a regional cola to the South, made in Columbus, Georgia. Nothing truly special, but found in the South more than anywhere else in the states.

Additional information:
Royal Crown Cola


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