Blade (The film with Wesley Snipes)

1 Conversation

I just watched the film 'Blade' on video yesterday, and I have to say, it was one of the best films I have ever seen. And it had THE best intro scene, ever. The blood pouring out of the sprinkler system in the Vampire club is so cool - it's worth seeing the movie just for that.

Snipes plays Blade, a half-human, half-vampire mercenary whose mother died during childbirth, having been 'bitten'. He has devoted his life to exacting revenge against the vampires, and particularly one radical young 'half-blood' vampire, Frost, who is challenging the old Vampire ways.

The film is supposed to be based on a comic-book character called Blade, but I don't know anything about that. All I can say is, this film MUST be seen by anyone who's a fan of vampires, action movies, or exploding heads. A thorougly enjoyable experience...

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