A Conversation for The Origins and Common Usage of British Swear-words
Mat Started conversation Nov 12, 2008
Following on from the Swedish handcreme, there is a W*nk in Southern Bavaria and a Titz in the west of Germany. I think there's also a Fuching in Austria and they keep getting annoyed when the town sign is stolen by tourists.
W*nk is near Garmisch-Pattenkirchen and is a ski resort. If people from Hamburg are Hamburgers the residents of W*nk must be...
Childish I know, but where else would you get the chance to ride on the world's only W*nkbahn?
r3v3rb Posted Oct 1, 2009
Well cu^tis is a lovely place to stop (snigger) when/if you ever decide to travel through Galicia in Spain. Its between Santiago de Compostela & Pontevedra !
Enjoy some free cu^t - as most of the time you'll end up paying for it !
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