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Genes get blamed for everything you can't pin on your parents.
Genes are sequences of DNA on chromosomes that can be transcribed and translated into proteins. Some people would also count in the regulatory sections too, but let's not split hairs.
While at a higher level most of us don't speak protein, our cells are fluent so the cumulative effect of lots of cells speaking their own dialect of protein makes us the unique individuals we are.
Since we are in effect walking factories of proteins and protein products it is easy to see how quick people could be to blame genes for all kinds of things.
Unfortunately this overlooks the concept of plasticity in learning - essential if we are to adapt to a changing world - which means that upbringing is everything.
In reality it is probably a combination of both and we may well be able to harness the plasticity at least in the area of behaviour to override our genetic dispostion to world domination (or whatever).
Sometimes genes are likened to songs on a cassette tape which is like the chromosome. However, since DNA is only made up of four kinds of nucleotide base this isn't going to make for very exciting tunes, especially when you consider music doesn't allow for the note T. This analogy is best left well alone.
Jokes about denim garments are passe.

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