H2G2 Lyrics Quiz 1

1 Conversation

Quiz 1 - 16 Feb 2002

1. "I never knew you, you never knew me..."

2. "Someone came up to me and said 'Young Man'..."

3. "Why don't you all just f-f-f-fade away..."

4. "You don't have to go home but you can't stay here..."

5. "Hold her, and tell her everything's going to be fine..."

6. "I'll drive around all day, and kill processed fish..."

7. "This may not be uptown Jamaica, but we promise you a treat..."

8. "I want to reach out and touch the flame..."

9. "I'm your operator, you can call anytime..."

10. "I didn't hear you leave, I wonder how am I still here..."

11. "We've got to all stay together, good friends are there for each other..."

12. "We're so pretty, oh so pretty..."

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