Peanuts - The Legume. Friend or Foe?

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I've had many a strange experience. In general. But when I tried to narrow it down (for the time being), the word "peanut" lept forth. Peanuts are possibly the most unusual food stuff on this planet (aside from Spam, about which more is forthcoming, if enough hasn't already been said on the subject). So much joy has come from this little nut/bean. And so much pain. I suppose I should explain.

(I didn't intend on the prose, but it adds a little special something, don't you think? I do.)

There is no more versatile a treat as the peanut. We get oil, butter, and, yes- love, from this nutty food-friend. An American comedian named Eddie Murphy once said that George Washington Carver (the brilliant inventor who created a manna known as peanut butter, among other peanut-derived substances) actually "died penniless and insane trying to compress peanuts into phonograph needles". Which is very funny, if you know what a phonogragh needle is. Because I'm not going to tell you. I'm too busy talking about peanuts. Life was beautiful...creamy and wonderful peanut butter and banana sandwich after another.

Then tragedy struck- a chipped molar. I hold the chunky spread partially responsible. Oh, the agony. I thought my days of peanut bliss were gone forever...

The day came when I had to fly on an airplane for the first time. An entirely different post on this horrific experience is also forthcoming. After a couple of extremely stiff drinks, it was time for a snack. I had a choice of bland, cold mush or some shiny, foil-wraped packages. I opted for the latter. To my guessed it. Peanuts. Honey roasted. What was I to do? Seeing that my options were:

1) Wait to die in a ball of flame and twisted wreckage, or

2) Eat the darn peanuts - It's just food.

I did, and boy were they good! My life is complete again. The tooth was filled. But the plane didn't crash, obviously, or I wouldn't be rattling on about stupid peanuts now, would I?

--Amanda ;P

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