A Conversation for Healthy Snacks

Fish and Chips!

Post 1


Okay, not quite a snack, but fish and chips are actually a pretty healthy meal for children.

Not everyday(because of the high fat content), but good for children because they are growing and need fat, carbohydrate (in the chips), calcium (milk in the batter), protein (in the fish smiley - fish and in the eggs in the batter) and vitamins (in the fish, the eggs, the milk and the potatoes; which are a great source of vitamin C.

So a meals that might be thought to be really bad, actually turns out to be quite a good one, at least for energy hungry children. smiley - smiley

Fish and Chips!

Post 2

Jimi X

Where does the deep-fried Mars bar fit into all that then? smiley - winkeye

I would love to try one of those one day - though my wife says it's one of the most revolting things she's ever heard of. smiley - laugh

Fish and Chips!

Post 3


I've never tried one. I think it sounds totally awful though. Apparently they do it with lots of the bars. Yuch! smiley - hangover

Fish and Chips!

Post 4

Jimi X

Still, I'd be willing to give it a shot...

Do you guys have chocolate-covered pretzels?

I know it's not quite a healthy snack, but it *is* delicious!

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