Wargamer's Fashion

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Welcome to Wargamer's Fashion Page!

This page is for anyone who's ever wondered what I wear, have worn or will wear. If you'd like to order one of my costumes, please turn yourself in to the 'Fashion Police' immediately.

My 'Normal' Clothes

Here's what I normally wear while working at the Factory. I often wear this on other occasions too...

Black pants.

A grey t-shirt.

A Railgun Holster (brown leather).

A Black Storm Coat (optional).

The New Pirate Costume

Here's what you need for my techno-pirate outfit:

Black leather pants.

A red t-shirt with black Carapace armour bands.

A black leather Railgun-holster with a Pirate sword scabbard strapped next to it.

A simple black eyepatch, with built in Thermal and Night Vision scanner.

The 'Factory Fanatics' Uniform

For anyone who'd like to buy a Factory Fanatic Uniform, here's what it is:

Dark Grey fatigues with black trim.

Polished metallic Carapace

Platinum Hockey Sticks (very expensive!).

The Paintball uniform

For those who like stealthy assaults, here's the outfit for you!

You will need:

A full set of black leather fatigues.

A camo-cloak (great invention!).

Simple, eh?

The 'Sheep Revolt' Uniform

This is the new HQ Dress uniform of 'The Sheep Revolt'. This has been approved by Galen, so it is ready for use! Here we go:

A pair of dark grey pants with dark red trim.

A dark red shirt (long sleeved).

A dark grey jacket with dark red trim (a Flak-jacket, naturally).

A dark grey 'Military Officer' style cap with dark red trim.

The HT 'Custodian' Uniform

For those who want my view of religion, you'll need the following:

A set of black leather fatigues.

A long black robe.

A Thunder Hammer.

A Storm Shield.

Now repeat after me... REPENT!!!!!

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